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Falck wins ambulance tender in Bonn

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Falck wins ambulance tender in Bonn

From July 1, 2018, Falck will provide emergency rescue and ambulance services in Bonn. Falck won the contract in Bonn in a Europe-wide tender.

A total of 40 Falck employees will work at Fire Station 3 in Bonn-Bad Godesberg and at a dedicated location. There, they will occupy a total of 9 rescue and patient transport vehicles of the regular rescue service.

Furthermore, Falck provides resources for the extended rescue service, for example in larger emergency situations.

- We are happy that we continue to expand our business in an important market like the German. Our high-quality operation aims not only at satisfying our customers and patients in Bonn but also at becoming an employer of choice for 40 new colleagues, says managing director of Falck Germany, Lars Tue Toftild.

Falck is currently looking for rescue professionals for our new location in Bonn. Click here to read more and apply.



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For more than a century, Falck has worked with local and national governments to prevent accidents, diseases and emergency situations, to rescue and assist people in emergencies quickly and competently and to rehabilitate people after illness or injury. This has made Falck an international leader in emergency response and healthcare services.

Falck operates in 30 countries and has approximately 27,000 employees.

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