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Falck regrets loss of ambulance services contract with Region of Southern Denmark

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Falck regrets loss of ambulance services contract with Region of Southern Denmark

After having provided ambulance services to the people of Funen and the southern parts of Jutland for almost 100 years, Falck is now set to lose this contract effective 1 September 2015. Following a call for tenders by the Region of Southern Denmark, ambulance services in the region will now be provided by Dutch operator BIOS and by Danish operator Responce.

Revenue from ambulance services in the Region of Southern Denmark accounts for about four percent of Falck's consolidated revenue.

“Falck has operations in 44 countries, and we are used to losing contracts as well as winning them. Nevertheless, losing the ambulance services contract with the Region of Southern Denmark is something that we deeply regret, considering the excellent and highly trustful cooperation we've had for decades with the local authorities and people of the region. A particular issue of concern for us is the uncertainty that this will inevitably cause for our employees,” said Allan Søgaard Larsen, Falck’s President and CEO.

The successful bids from the Dutch company were more than 15% lower than Falck's bids.

"We have applied the same method of calculation that last year gave us the lowest price among all Danish bidders in the tenders for ambulance services for the Central Jutland Region and for the Roskilde area. In the past, our tenders have been very competitive, both when compared with control bids and in the context of other tenders for ambulance services. For these reasons, we were quite surprised by the very low bids from the Dutch company, but obviously we accept the result of the tender and will now focus on providing ambulance services to our usual high Falck standards until 1 September next year,” said Lars Vester, Executive Vice President, Emergency Denmark, Falck.




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