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Coup Attack in Turkey

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Coup Attack in Turkey

Around 23.30 local time military personnel blocked the Bosphorus bridges and sieged strategic points in Ankara including the Turkish national TV NTV. At current time, the coup is primarily limited to Ankara and Istanbul, where explosions have occurred.

All airports have been closed and the military has proclaimed that martial law has been imposed. Furthermore, a nationwide curfew has been enforced and access to internet social media have been cut off.

The military has declared that the country is under control of a so-called peace council, which will ensure the safety of the Turkish people.

Erdogan, who has ruled Turkey since 2003, stated that the government would break down on the attempted coup attempted by a fraction of the military. He called on his followers to take to the streets and defend the government. Thousands of people have taken to the streets and civilians that tried to cross the Bosphorus Bridge have been shoot at.

Local reports claim that people are already stocking up on water, cash and other essential goods.

Falck Global Assistance is in highest alert and has already helped and assisted several people in Turkey with guidance and advice. We are in close contact with our local Turkish Falck personnel on the ground, and we will continue to follow the situation closely and assist wherever needed.

Travel advice:
  • People should stay indoors and stay informed via local and international media, if unable to access to the internet remain indoors and call your respective foreign ministry or relatives
  • Remain vigilant and stay informed via your respective foreign ministries and await information
  • Avoid demonstrations and large gatherings
  • Avoid government and authority offices and buildings
  • Travellers should expect an increase in police and military presence.
  • Thorough security checks can take place, why travellers are advised to always carry their ID, and in turn be ready to show it if needed
  • Contact your travel agency for updates on changes and upcoming travels
  • Contact next of kin

Please contact Falck Global Assistance 24/7 emergency response centres for information and further advice:

  • Denmark +45 7025 0405
  • Norway +47 2149 2415
  • Sweden +46 8 58 771 717
  • China+86 (10) 58 203 278
  • India +91 1 244 006 675
  • US +1 8 556 596 672




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