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Microspace Communications introduces DataBridge IP satellite solution using Eutelsat SmartLNB

Microspace Communications introduces DataBridge IP satellite solution using Eutelsat SmartLNB

Low-cost, high-reliability IP connectivity for business critical networks across USA, Mexico and Central America
Raleigh, NC, Paris, 6 December 2016 – Microspace Communications, a pioneer in innovative broadband solutions for established and emerging enterprise applications, has selected the SmartLNB service platform of Eutelsat Communications (NYSE Euronext Paris: ETL) to implement its new tw

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BICS and Eutelsat team up to deliver satellite-based business continuity solutions for operators in Africa

BICS, a global wholesale carrier for voice, mobile data and capacity services, today announced the launch of its on-demand connectivity solution for African telecom operators, in partnership with Eutelsat, a world-leading satellite operator. Using BICS’ RouteFlex, the joint solution allows mobile operators and service providers to raise the bar of network availability ...

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Eutelsat Group

32 boulevard Gallieni
92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux

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