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Eutelsat key video satellites broadcasting TV into 274 million homes in Europe, North Africa, Middle East

Eutelsat TV Observatory shows strong uptick of homes receiving television directly or indirectly by satellite. Satellite confirmed as a core digital infrastructure.

Paris, 9 January 2015 — Eutelsat Communications (NYSE Euronext Paris: ETL) today revealed headline figures of research[1] on the number of homes receiving channels broadcast by eight of its flagship television neighbourhoods serving Europe, North Africa and the Middle East[2]. A total of 274 million homes are now either equipped for Direct-to-Home (DTH) reception or connected to a cable or IP network offering channels broadcast by a Eutelsat satellite, up from 207 million in 2010 (+32%). Seventy per cent of the 393 million TV homes in the footprint analysed today watch channels brought to them by a Eutelsat satellite.

All eight neighbourhoods continue to experience audience growth. Eutelsat’s established HOT BIRD neighbourhood remains in pole position, standing at 138 million DTH, cable and IP homes, up from 122 million in 2010. The fastest growth was recorded for EUTELSAT 9A whose audience, principally concentrated in Western Europe, has risen from five million to 14 million, attracting nine million new cable and DTH homes since 2010.

DTH confirmed as leading TV reception mode

DTH remains the leading reception mode within the combined audience of the Eutelsat neighbourhoods measured, accounting for 160 million homes, up from 111 million in 2010 (+44%) and increasing its market share to 58% from 53%. This growth in particular reflects strong demand for channels broadcasting from two neighbourhoods:

  • The HOT BIRD neighbourhood whose market-leading pay-TV platforms and strong free-to-air line-up have driven steady expansion to 66 million homes in 2014 from 52 million in 2010;
  • Eutelsat’s 7/8° West neighbourhood (shared with Nilesat) whose DTH base in the Middle East and North Africa has risen to 52 million in 2014 from 27 million homes in 2010, with an offer of over 1,000 channels.

Reception trends in Western Europe

Eutelsat’s TV Observatory also zoomed in on general trends in DTH, cable, IPTV and DTT reception in more mature Western European markets where 15 countries were surveyed, accounting for 179 million TV homes. DTH is confirmed as the main mode for TV reception in Western Europe, up 7% to 58 million homes from 54 million in 2010 and accounting for one in three homes. Exclusive DTT reception has risen to 48 million from 44 million homes, while cable has declined to 44 million homes from 50 million. IPTV has increased from a modest base of 10 million homes to 29 million in 2014 (of which 15 million in France).

The total audience of the HOT BIRD satellites in Western Europe has continued to expand, reaching 67 million homes in 2014, up from 62 million in 2010.

Michel Azibert, Eutelsat’s Chief Commercial and Development Officer, commented: “ This extensive research confirms that satellite remains the backbone of digital broadcasting infrastructure, delivering channels to homes on a DTH basis and enabling operators of cable and IP networks to enrich and diversify their line-up. Eutelsat has invested in high-performance satellites to address both longstanding and developing television regions and we will continue to leverage our experience in order to offer enhanced value to our customer base, develop new video markets, notably in Latin America and Asia, and support the expansion of this thriving industry.”

[1] Commissioned from TNS Sofres and IPSOS

[2] The HOT BIRD satellites, EUTELSAT 7A, EUTELSAT 9A, EUTELSAT 16A, EUTELSAT 28A, EUTELSAT 36A and B, EUTELSAT 5 West A, EUTELSAT 7 West A and 8 West A

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About Eutelsat Communications

Established in 1977, Eutelsat Communications (Euronext Paris: ETL, ISIN code: FR0010221234) is one of the world's leading and most experienced operators of communications satellites. The company provides capacity on 35 satellites to clients that include broadcasters and broadcasting associations, pay-TV operators, video, data and Internet service providers, enterprises and government agencies.

Eutelsat’s satellites provide ubiquitous coverage of Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia-Pacific and the Americas, enabling video, data, broadband and government communications to be established irrespective of a user’s location.

Headquartered in Paris, with offices and teleports around the globe, Eutelsat represents a workforce of 1,000 men and women from 32 countries who are experts in their fields and work with clients to deliver the highest quality of service.

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