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Lepido wins Perpetuum 2020
Lepido wins Perpetuum 2020

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Swedish innovation wins DENEFF Perpetuum 2020

Swedish cleantech company Enjay, with sales office in Roosendaal, The Netherlands, has just received the German climate award PERPETUUM ENERGIEEFFIZIENZPREIS 2020. The prize is awarded by DENEFF, an independent cross-industry network of frontrunner companies within the German energy sector. Every year, DENEFF awards one innovation considered to make a significant contribution to the current energy transition necessary to achieve the goals of the Paris agreement. This year, Enjay and its innovation Lepido were chosen.

DENEFF PERPETUUM ENERGIEEFFIZIENZPREIS awards innovations that are considered to have a huge impact on the energy transition and contribute to increased energy efficiency. The jury consists of scientists and experts from the energy sector

Julia Repenning, Energy & Climate at Öko-Institut e. V. “Enjay AB left a great impression on the jury. Their product Lepido addresses a problem that moved many people and so far had not been solved. Lepido convinced the jury due to its compact construction. Two of the main benefits are the coherent concept and the fact that is is already working on the market. It provides a simple solution for energy efficiency potentials that are difficult to realize."

Lepido by Enjay is the world’s first profitable heat exchanger suitable for restaurant ventilation. Due to extreme levels of soot and grease in the exhaust air, traditional equipment requires extensive and expensive maintenance to recover the energy, resulting in a massive waste of energy and economical damage. By recycling the energy from the 15 million restaurants currently active worldwide, global emissions of CO2 would decrease by 500 metric megatons annually, the equivalent of one percent of the total emissions.

Being describes as a simple solution to a 40-year-old problem sounds like music to our ears. Sometimes being simple is the hardest thing you can do – and we did it! Jesper Wirén, CEO and co-founder Enjay

Enjay is a Swedish cleantech company based in Malmö, Sweden specialized in energy efficiency. The company develops energy recycling systems adapted for extremely challenging environments where it is otherwise impossible or too costly to recycle energy. Enjays international sales office is located in Roosendaal, The Netherlands.

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Klas Oskarsson

Klas Oskarsson

Press contact Director of communication Marknad och kommunikationschef +46 732 040 020

Wasting energy is no longer an option

Enjay is a Swedish cleantech company, specialized in energy efficiency. The company´s first solution, Lepido, is the first in the world to offer profitable energy recycling from restaurant ventilation. The innovation enables reducing the annual emissions of CO2 by 500 million metric tons, one entire percent of the projected world-wide CO2 emissions by 2050.

Enjay has also commenced efforts to identify and streamline other areas where the same principle can be applied. The company’s overall mission is to put an end to wasting energy, because the cleanest form of energy is the one never produced.

Enjay - A swedish greentech company specialized in energy efficiency

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213 76 Malmö