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The Finalists Postcode Lotteries Green Challenge 2020
The Finalists Postcode Lotteries Green Challenge 2020

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Swedish company Enjay reaches final round of global climate challenge

Malmö based clean tech company Enjay has, in competition with 650 other European businesses, reached the final round of one of the largest global climate efficiency challenges, the Postcode Lottery Green Challenge 2020. Enjay, one of only six participants to reach the final round, has developed the world’s first profitable energy recycling unit, specially adapted for ventilation systems in restaurants. This innovation, Lepido, has the potential to decrease the annual global emissions of fossil CO2 with one percent.

The Postcode Lottery Green Challenge is one of the largest global challenges aimed at sustainable entrepreneurship, open for companies based in Sweden, Germany, the UK, the Netherlands and Norway. The winner recieves 500.000 Euros to further develop its solution.

Reaching the final round is certainly a great honour, now all our fingers are crossed for us going all the way, Jesper Wirén, CEO and co-founder of Enjay, comments.

The finalists have been chosen by an international jury, composed of representatives of the business world, research institutes and government agencies. Among others, Håkan Wirtén, the general secretary of the Swedish branch of the World Wildlife Foundation, is a member of the jury.

Because of Enjay and its innovation, Lepido, the average restaurant can now recycle 85.000 kWh annually, resulting in decreasing the emission of fossil CO2 by 33 metric tons. If each and every of the 15 million restaurants in the world were equipped with a Lepido system, the total decrease of emissions would amount to 500 megatons. This in turn corresponds to one percent of the forecast global emissions by 2050.

The Lepido system was launched in Scandinavia during 2019 and is already employed by among others Burger King, Chop Chop, Clarion and real estate company Vasakronan. Several other pilot projects have commenced in segments like shopping malls and cruise ships.

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Klas Oskarsson

Klas Oskarsson

Press contact Director of communication Marknad och kommunikationschef +46 732 040 020

Wasting energy is no longer an option

Enjay is a Swedish cleantech company, specialized in energy efficiency. The company´s first solution, Lepido, is the first in the world to offer profitable energy recycling from restaurant ventilation. The innovation enables reducing the annual emissions of CO2 by 500 million metric tons, one entire percent of the projected world-wide CO2 emissions by 2050.

Enjay has also commenced efforts to identify and streamline other areas where the same principle can be applied. The company’s overall mission is to put an end to wasting energy, because the cleanest form of energy is the one never produced.

Enjay - A swedish greentech company specialized in energy efficiency

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213 76 Malmö