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Five Swedish start-ups selected to accelerate on the French Precision health market
Five Swedish start-ups selected to accelerate on the French Precision health market

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Five Swedish start-ups selected to accelerate on the French Precision health market

EIT Health Scandinavia and EIT Health France, part of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union, in collaboration with Vinnova, the Swedish innovation agency, are proud to announce the five selected startups within precision health solutions selected to participate in the Swedish French Accelerator 2.0.

The five companies will receive tailor made support during 12 months by EIT Health experts and the French partner network to access the French ecosystem, develop new collaborations and accelerate their solutions on the French market.

The launch of the accelerator takes place at Vinnova in Stockholm on 16 November with pitches by the selected companies and continues in Paris at Station F Incubator, the World's largest start-up campus, during the AI for Health event on 22 November.

    The companies’ solutions range from a mental healthcare app, epigenetic screening, diagnostics for lung cancer, cardiac monitoring system and training for health and well-being.

    - We are developing the next generation of cardiac monitoring systems. Using new hardware and software we have been able to shorten waiting times for patients and reduce the workload for doctors in Sweden. We hope to get a better understanding of the French healthcare system and get the reimbursement structures in place through the accelerator, says Erik Rask, founder & CEO of MedBeat.

    - We are a medical technology provider with a groundbreaking research-based AI method that produces independent mental health evaluations. We look forward to establishing new business relationships with key actors on the French market with high digital maturity and openness to innovation, says Katarina Kjell, Chief Psychologist Ablemind.

    During the launch meeting in Stockholm on 16 November, the five companies will be introduced to the Swedish and French life science and healthcare ecosystem and will pitch their solution to the Health Innovation Agency, Secrétariat général pour l'investissement and PariSanté Campus where five major public players in scientific research and innovation in digital health are based.

    The companies will exhibit and network in Paris at the world's largest start-up campus, Station F and participate in the AI for Health. They will also participate in a round table on the harmonisation of Digital Medical Device evaluation in collaboration with French partners such as Digital Medical hub, Strammer, Voisin Consulting, In Extenso and Angels Santé.

    Today, society's resources are mainly spent on diagnosis and treatment, and very little on promotion and preventive measures. There are great opportunities to save money and give more people a longer life in health if we think differently. Earlier and more accurate diagnosis enables more effective treatment, which is of great value to individuals as well as for the economy.

    As a country, Sweden invests three percent of the national GDP in research and innovation. Supported by unique national registers, monitored health data, and robust research infrastructure, Sweden has a proven ability to transform multi-disciplinary research into products and commercial growth. 99 % of all prescriptions in Sweden are digital and Sweden is the most innovative country in the EU and has overtaken the United States as the world’s second most innovative economy in 2023.

    - Sweden and the world are facing important and complex health challenges. At the same time, new technologies and digitalisation are creating great opportunities for improved health and well-being. With this initiative, we want to boost these handpicked startups to engage in bold innovation cooperation that enables preventive, accurate and equal initiatives and allows more people to live a healthy life, says Laurent Saunier, Head of Precision Health, Vinnova.

    France has one of the most dynamic health sectors in Europe and many opportunities open up for cooperation with the French government to create the efficiency of the health care system, especially for precision health solutions. The French healthcare sector represents €90 billion in revenues, 35% of which comes from exports and nearly 455,000 jobs, France is home to more than 3,100 life sciences businesses of all sizes, ranging from startups to multinationals. In the “Healthcare Innovation 2030” strategy, €7,5 billion will be made available to promote innovative investments in healthcare.

    - I am delighted to be able to contribute the resources and network of EIT Health to the five innovative Swedish start-ups to establish real connections and real outcomes with France, says Marc Julien, Managing Director, EIT Health France and Senior Director EIT Health Accelerator.

    The selected start-ups are:

    • Ablemind, mental healthcare and psychological treatment with an understanding of individual mental health and treatment effects.
    • Katarina Kjell, Chief Psychologist, Mobile: +46-709957326
    • Epigencia, developing an epigenetic screening tool.
    • Mohamad Takwa, founder and CEO Mobile: +46-723222221

    Register for the launch meeting in Stockholm: REGISTER

    About the Swedish-French Accelerator programme
    EIT Health Scandinavia and EIT Health France in collaboration with Sweden’s innovation agency Vinnova is providing expert support to five selected companies within precision health. The aim of this program is to provide expert support to the selected companies, enabling international collaborations, accelerating maturity, business expansion and access to the French market. Accelerate your precision health solution in France.

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    EIT Health

    EIT Health part of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, a body of the European Union, is a vast, vibrant community of world-leading health innovators backed by the European Union. We collaborate across borders to connect and enable the brightest minds from business, research, education and healthcare delivery, creating a productive environment in which innovation can flourish. Together, we address the biggest health challenges Europe faces. EIT Health: Together for healthy lives in Europe.

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    About EIT Health Scandinavia

    EIT Health is a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) established by the EU body European Institute for Innovation & Technology (EIT). EIT Health is a collaboration between more than 150 Partners within pharma, medtech, healthcare and healthcare funders, research institutions, and universities. Backed by the European Union, EIT Health is Europe’s largest life science collaboration organisation, and one of the largest life science initiatives world-wide. EIT Health is active across three fields: business creation, education, and multidisciplinary healthcare innovation initiatives.

    EIT Health has partners and programmes in 17 countries. The Regional Innovation Hubs are present in Barcelona, Paris, Dublin, Rotterdam, Heidelberg-Mannheim, Wienna and Budapest. The central office is located in Munich. EIT Health Scandinavia covers Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Estonia, with an office in Stockholm.

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