Press release -

EG's customers get closer to Microsoft

Earlier this year, EG was selected to join Microsoft Inner Circle 2015, an exclusive group of Microsoft's most important global partners. The appointment provides the opportunity to get closer to the development of Microsoft's Dynamics platform to the benefit of the customers.

Earlier this year, EG was appointed a member of Microsoft Inner Circle 2015.
Inner Circle consists of the 60 most successful and strategically important partners on the Microsoft Dynamics platform from around the world. Previously, EG has been appointed in Norway and in Denmark, but this year, EG has been honoured in all of Scandinavia.

Globally, only 2 % of all Dynamics partners are a member of the exclusive club, and again this year EG was at the table in Seattle when some of Microsoft's leading directors presented their visions for the future with Dynamics AX and NAV.

Very close to the Dynamics of the future

As part of Inner Circle, EG gets very close to the development of the Microsoft Dynamics platform and this way gets a unique insight into what the future Dynamics platform will look like. Furthermore, the cooperation provides a possibility of coming up with ideas already at an early stage when new features are designed and crafted.

"It is a major advantage to get closer to the development work – not only as Europe's strongest Dynamics partner, but also as a company deeply dedicated to our industry approach. For our customers, this means that we represent their needs and wishes at the table with Microsoft when we discuss the further development of the Dynamics platform," explains Anders Borggaard Jensen, director of business development at EG A/S.

A global network

Inner Circle consists of Microsoft's most important Dynamics partners worldwide.
It creates a special sense of community between the selected companies which ultimately is to the benefit of the customers.

"It offers a unique opportunity for exchanging ideas with other Dynamics specialists. Normally, we sit in each our businesses, but here we get together in a narrow circle and have the opportunity of brainstorming and discussing our ideas with people from all over the world. At times, this gives a completely different perspective and a different solution than you would expect," says Anders Borggaard Jensen.

The advantages are also obvious to companies that are operating a global business.
"Inner Circle gives us a network among some of the strongest business partners worldwide. This makes it possible to support companies in regions or countries in which we are not present ourselves, but where our customers have departments.
Like that, we can guarantee the best possible service and support all over the world," says Anders Borggaard Jensen.


  • Business enterprise, General


  • awards
  • eg
  • eg a/s
  • erp
  • microsoft
  • partner awards
  • inner circle
  • dynamics
  • ax
  • business development
  • partnership

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