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Alexandra Fürst, COO Nordic, Dustin.
Alexandra Fürst, COO Nordic, Dustin.

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Dustin to take IT security to next level and employ three CISOs

Dustin, a leading online based IT partner in the Nordic region and Benelux, is now taking security to the next level and establishing an entirely new function for information security. The new unit will recruit two more CISOs who will ensure that security becomes a more prominent feature of the business.

“The digitalisation trend is continuing and to operate in a digitalised world, it is necessary to strengthen expertise in security, both in terms of our internal capabilities and our delivery. Security has become a natural part of business and to further integrate this aspect, we are now strengthening our organisation with three CISOs,” says Alexandra Fürst, COO Nordic, Dustin.

The threat to IT security has increased rapidly and the trend is clear; in recent times, more companies than ever have been subject to IT attacks. To achieve business goals, an integrated focus on security is required.

“The security organisation is not a part of IT, which is common, rather it is a separate Group-wide function. Security is therefore not an IT issue alone but an integrated part of all our business areas. With these recruitments, we gain the expertise that focuses on strategic business security as well as the know-how to manage the issue at both the tactical and operational level,” says Alexandra Fürst.

It is unusual for companies to have more than one CISO, and Dustin’s decision to add further expertise is because there is the need and potential to analyse and respond to security issues in several parts of the business.

“Security should be viewed as a business opportunity and awareness among users needs to increase. Everyone needs to take more responsibility for IT security and understand that a chain is no stronger than its weakest link. We need to understand the several dimensions of security, and its significance in all business areas and functions,” concludes Alexandra Fürst.



Fredrik Sätterström

Press contact Head of Investor Relations +46 70 510 10 22

Eva Ernfors

Press contact Head of Communication +46 70 258 62 62 94

Dustin is a leading online based IT partner in the Nordics and the Benelux.

About Dustin

Dustin is a leading online based IT partner in the Nordics and the Benelux. We help our customers to stay in the forefront by providing them with the right IT solution for their needs.

We offer approximately 280,000 products with related services to companies, the public sector and private individuals. Sales for the financial year 2022/23 amounted to approximately SEK 23.6 billion and more than 90 per cent of the revenues came from the corporate market.

Dustin has approximately 2,200 employees and has been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 2015 with headquarters in Nacka Strand just outside central Stockholm.


131 52 Nacka Strand

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