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How Duni Group views sustainability

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How Duni Group views sustainability

We have a societal development where everyone has to act. At Duni Group, we strive to drive change in our industry towards greater sustainability and circular models.

It can come as no surprise to anyone today that the demands in sustainability are growing rapidly in society. When the World Economic Forum summarized the global risks in 2021, “climate action failure” became the biggest risk in terms of potential impact and likelihood. But climate change itself is not the biggest risk – it is already a fact. Instead, it is our collective failure to limit its effects.

As this is a challenge for society as a whole, everyone must act: legislators, consumers, academia and of course companies. And we must not forget other important aspects, such as the circular economy, biodiversity, resource use or resilient societies. There are many other areas that we also need to consider when securing the future of our society.

Stakeholders with different priorities

We have been work­ing in a struc­tured way with sus­tain­abil­i­ty for many years. In 2021, we re­viewed our am­bi­tions and up­dat­ed our strat­e­gy up to 2030. We start­ed with try­ing to un­der­stand what key stake­hold­ers ex­pect from us.

It be­came clear that ex­pec­ta­tions vary. For ex­am­ple, reg­u­la­tors pri­or­i­tize so­lu­tions to reuse prod­ucts while our cus­tomers pri­or­i­tize en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly sound so­lu­tions for the end of the life cycle. In­vestors, on the other hand, focus on com­mu­ni­ca­tion and cli­mate change.

A sur­vey of around 125 of our em­ploy­ees shows how we see it in­ter­nal­ly. The re­sults are sum­ma­rized in a ma­te­ri­al­i­ty ma­trix, which has also been aligned with ex­ter­nal key stake­hold­ers.

Three strategic initiatives

Based on this analy­sis, we saw that the pri­or­i­ty areas could be sum­ma­rized into three strate­gic ini­tia­tives that will help us be­come the in­dus­try’s sus­tain­abil­i­ty leader in 2030:

  • Becoming Circular at Scale
  • Going Net Zero
  • Living the Change

The up­dat­ed ma­te­ri­al­i­ty analy­sis shows that we need to find so­lu­tions to end-of-life, con­tin­ue to choose bet­ter ma­te­ri­als in prod­ucts, re­duce our cli­mate im­pact and en­sure clear and fact-based en­vi­ron­men­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion. All this un­der­pins the sus­tain­abil­i­ty ini­tia­tives.

Our ma­te­ri­al­i­ty analy­sis is more than a re­ac­tive tool for man­ag­ing risk. It’s a proac­tive start­ing point for how we as a com­pa­ny will cre­ate value in the fu­ture, fo­cus­ing on op­por­tu­ni­ties rather than threats. Here, a 2030 per­spec­tive helps, but it also means that the rel­e­vance of dif­fer­ent is­sues will change over time, which should en­sure our con­tin­ued rel­e­vance.

Erik Lin­droth
Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Di­rec­tor

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Katja Margell

Katja Margell

Press contact Investor Relations and Communications Director +46 76 8198326

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