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Panalpina and Shapeways enter into strategic partnership for 3D printing

“3D printing is one of the most exciting frontiers of digital transformation,” says Mike Wilson, Panalpina’s global head of Logistics. “It stands for the convergence of the real with the virtual world – and it has the potential to dramatically change the traditional manufacturing and logistics industries.”

Shapeways CEO Peter Weijmarshausen concurs: “As manufacturing moves from analog to digital, everything we know about product creation will change. Our community the world over is leveraging access to digital manufacturing from our platform to bring thousands of new products to life every day.”

While the technology for 3D printing, or additive manufacturing, has been around for decades, its recent surge in popularity makes perfect sense in the context of current major manufacturing trends. On the one hand, shorter product life cycles, the rise in digital purchasing and the higher speed to get products to market, means that production is moving away from centralized manufacturing to a more distributed model. On the other hand, customers are demanding more customized and personalized products and have the ability to influence the product design. “3D printing is ideal for bringing production closer to the end user and aiding in mass personalization,” explains Wilson.

Shapeways, established in 2007, is the world’s leading maker platform powered by digital manufacturing. Shapeways community members make products ranging from puzzles, miniature trains and smartphone cases, to drone accessories and jewelry. Shapeways enables its members to make, customize and even sell the products they design. The products are manufactured using high-end 3D printers in 56 different materials. With the strategic partnership, Panalpina will benefit from Shapeways’ advanced software solutions and in-depth know-how of 3D printing materials, equipment and processes. In return, Panalpina with its global footprint and facilities in major markets can offer Shapeways geographical expansion possibilities and support in logistics, manufacturing, distribution and other value-added services.

“Panalpina is ideally suited to assist with the final steps in the manufacturing process including last-mile delivery. In addition, they are investing in their own 3D printing research and capabilities. This demonstrates how committed and serious Panalpina is about the technology, making them an ideal partner for us,” says Weijmarshausen.

Panalpina recently launched two joint research projects with Cardiff University (UK), where the company aims to identify the products that could be switched from traditional to new, additive manufacturing techniques and also the impact these techniques will have on future supply chains. In October of last year, Panalpina invested in its first 3D printer to get an understanding of how the technology works as a complement to its Logistics Manufacturing Services (LMS) offering. Having gone through this learning curve the company is now positioned to take the business further.

Wilson sees additional advantages of 3D printing besides the fact that products make it to market faster and can be personalized or customized at the latest possible stage: “Because the value for the customer is added at the end of the supply chain, the brand owner can keep inventories, as well as the cost of transportation and obsolescence, to a minimum. Moreover, additive manufacturing produces less waste than traditional manufacturing methods, which fits perfectly with increasingly circular economies.”

“Digital manufacturing will continue to shape many things to come,” concludes Tom Finn, global vice president of supply chain at Shapeways.

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  • Videnskab, teknik


  • digital transformation
  • distributed manufacturing
  • customization and personalization
  • logistics manufacturing services (lms)
  • 3d printing (3dp)
  • 2016
  • innovation
  • circular economy
  • supply chains
  • cardiff
  • research
  • inventory
  • logistics solutions

About Shapeways

Shapeways is the world's leading maker platform powered by Digital Manufacturing. By giving anyone the ability to quickly and affordably turn ideas from digital designs into real products, Shapeways is fundamentally changing how products are made and by whom. Shapeways produces roughly 3,000 unique products every day and over 1 million unique products annually. Headquartered in Manhattan, Shapeways also has factories and offices in Long Island City,Seattle and Eindhoven, Netherlands. For more information and to be part of this creative community, visit, and follow us at FacebookTwitterInstagram and YouTube.

About Panalpina

The Panalpina Group is one of the world's leading providers of supply chain solutions. The company combines its core products of Air Freight, Ocean Freight, and Logistics to deliver globally integrated, tailor-made end-to-end solutions. Drawing on in-depth industry know-how and customized IT systems, Panalpina manages the needs of its customers' supply chains, no matter how demanding they might be. Energy Solutions is a specialized service for the energy and capital projects sector.

The Panalpina Group operates a global network with some 500 offices in more than 75 countries, and it works with partner companies in a further 90 countries. Panalpina employs approximately 15,000 people worldwide who deliver a comprehensive service to the highest quality standards – wherever and whenever.


Christian Krogslund

Pressekontakt Senior Director, Corporate Marketing & Communication +45 28 44 22 35

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