Organic growth offsets contracting oil and gas business

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Organic growth offsets contracting oil and gas business

In the first half of 2016, Panalpina demonstrated that it can compensate for contracting oil and gas business with organic growth in other sectors even as air and ocean freight markets declined. Adjusted for an oil and gas related restructuring provision, EBIT remained stable at CHF 60.8 million and consolidated profit increased slightly to CHF 47.9 million for the first six months of the year.
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Christian Krogslund

Pressekontakt Senior Director, Corporate Marketing & Communication +45 28 44 22 35

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Organic growth offsets contracting oil and gas business

In the first half of 2016, Panalpina demonstrated that it can compensate for contracting oil and gas business with organic growth in other sectors even as air and ocean freight markets declined. Adjusted for an oil and gas related restructuring provision, EBIT remained stable at CHF 60.8 million and consolidated profit increased slightly to CHF 47.9 million for the first six months of the year.