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Sidste modul blev løftet: Tyra II har nu sin endelige form

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Sidste modul blev løftet: Tyra II har nu sin endelige form

Esbjerg, 10 oktober 2022 – Det sidste element i Tyra II installationen er nu kommet på plads. Snart forlader verdens største kranskib Sleipnir derfor Tyra feltet efter en vellykket installationskampagne.

I går kl. 17:04 placerede Sleipnir den 85.4 meter lange bro mellem den nye Tyra II-procesplatform og beboelsesplatformen. Nu er alle elementerne i Tyra II forbundet. Det markerer, at løftet af de fire sidste dele af Tyra II – procesplatformen, to broer og et flare-tårn – er slut.

I de kommende dage vil installationsteamet afslutte den sidste svejsning for at sikre, at de nye platforme og elementer kan modstå mange års hårdt vejr i Nordsøen.

Når alt er svejset sammen, vil installationsteamet give stafetten videre til tilslutnings- og idriftsættelsesteamet, der vil fokusere på at klargøre de installerede platforme og tilslutte dem til den eksisterende Nordsø-infrastruktur. Det er den sidste fase inden første gas fra Tyra II i vintersæsonen 2023/2024.

Lars Bo Christiansen, Viceprojektdirektør for TotalEnergies EP Denmark A/S, siger:

"Det er fascinerende at vi nu kan se den komplette form af Tyra II. Alle otte platforme, seks broer, to ben og et flare-tårn er nu på plads i deres endelige position. Jeg er meget stolt af vores installationsteam og vores dygtige partner Heerema Marine Contractors, der endnu en gang udførte løfteoperationer lige efter bogen. Det er en vigtig milepæl, der er nået, men vi kan ikke hvile på laurbærrene. Der er stadig meget arbejde at færdiggøre offshore, før Tyra II er klar til producere den første gas til vintersæsonen 2023/24."

Fakta om installationen

  • Mere end 260 personer ombord på Sleipnir var involveret i arbejdet med at løfte procesplatformen, to broer og et flare-tårn.
  • Den 4. oktober 2022 kl. 08:27 landede den største Tyra II-platform sikkert på platformbenene i Tyra-feltet. Løftet af den 17.000 tons tunge procesplatform slog verdensrekord som det tungeste kranløft, der nogensinde er foretaget til søs.
  • Det sidste Tyra II brik, der blev løftet på plads, var broen, der forbinder beboelses- og procesplatformene. Den er 85,4 meter lang og vejer 370 tons.
  • Sleipnir er verdens største kranskib fra TotalEnergies EPC-entreprenør Heerema Marine Contractors. Sleipnirs to store kraner kan løfte en vægt på op til 20.000 tons. Fartøjet er 220 meter langt og 102 meter bredt – en størrelse svarende til ca. 3 fodboldbaner.
  • Sleipnir har været en del af ombygningen af Tyra-feltet og hjalp med at installere de nye platformsben i september 2020 samt de resterende nye Tyra II-moduler, herunder indkvarteringsmodulet, seks brøndhoved- og stigerørsplatforme og fire broer i september 2021 og april 2022.

Fakta om Tyra-genopbygningen

  • TotalEnergies er operatør på Tyra-feltet på vegne af DUC – et partnerskab mellem TotalEnergies (43,2%), Noreco (36,8%) og Nordsøfonden (20%).
  • Tyra er Danmarks største naturgasfelt. Før feltet blev lukket for genopbygning, var det centrum for bearbejdning og eksport af mere end 90% af den naturgas, der blev produceret i den danske Nordsø.
  • Genopbygningen af Tyra blev nødvendig, da havbunden under platformene var sunket som følge af mange års udvinding fra det underliggende kalklag.
  • Genopbygningen af Tyra-feltet omfatter tre hovedelementer: Nedtagning samt genanvendelse og bortskaffelse af de gamle Tyra-platforme; Genbrug og 13 meters forlængelse af de nuværende platformben på seks platforme, som vil få nye overdele (topsides); samt en helt ny procesplatform og en helt ny beboelsesplatform
  • Når det genopbyggede Tyra II er tilbage i produktion, forventes det at levere
    2,8 milliarder kubikmeter gas om året, hvilket svarer til 80% af den forventede danske gasproduktion.
  • Tyra II vil levere naturgas med 30% mindre CO2 emissioner fra produktionen og vil yde et væsentlig bidrag til den danske og europæiske forsyningssikkerhed.

TotalEnergies pressekontakt:
Thorkild Diness Jensen / Head of External Communications for TotalEnergies Denmark / +45 20 20 42 36 /

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Om TotalEnergies i Danmark

TotalEnergies er Danmarks førende olie- og gasselskab med en mangfoldig og international arbejdsstyrke på omkring 1.200 medarbejdere. Vi står for 85% af den producerede olie og 97% af den nationale gas og udvikler et af de førende CO2-lagringsprojekter i den danske del af Nordsøen. TotalEnergies' aktiviteter går mere end et halvt århundrede tilbage og udgør et vigtigt bidrag til Danmarks økonomi, energiforsyning og beskæftigelse. Ud over vores olie- og gasaktiviteter arbejder TotalEnergies på at etablere nye forretningsaktiviteter inden for havvind, solenergi og andre vedvarende energikilder.

Om TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies er et globalt multienergiselskab, der producerer og markedsfører energi: olie og biobrændstoffer, naturgas og grønne gasser, vedvarende energi og elektricitet. Vores mere end 100.000 medarbejdere er engageret i energi, der er til at betale, er renere, mere pålidelig og tilgængelig for så mange mennesker som muligt. TotalEnergies er aktiv i mere end 130 lande og sætter bæredygtig udvikling i alle dens dimensioner i centrum for sine projekter og operationer. 


Last connecting bridge touched down: Tyra II now has its final shape

Esbjerg, 10 October 2022 – The last remaining piece of Tyra II puzzle was lifted into its final position. The world’s largest crane Sleipnir will soon leave the Tyra field after a successful installation campaign.

Yesterday at 17:04, the 85.4-meters long bridge was set down between the new Tyra II processing platform and the accommodation platform. Now all dots of Tyra II are connected and lifting the final four Tyra II pieces – the process module, two bridges and a flare tower – comes to a successful end.

In the coming days, the installation team will finish the last welding work to ensure that the new modules can resist many years of rough North Sea weather. Afterwards, the team will hand over the baton to the hook up and commissioning team who will focus on completing and powering up the installed platforms and reconnecting them to the existing North Sea infrastructure. That will be the last phase before delivering the first gas from Tyra II in the winter season 2023/24.

Lars Bo Christiansen, Deputy Project Director for TotalEnergies EP Denmark A/S, said:

It’s exciting to be able to see the complete shape of Tyra II as all eight platforms, six bridges, two jackets and one flare are now in their final position. I’m very proud of our installation team and our skilled partner Heerema Marine Contractors who once again executed textbook lifting operations. Nevertheless, there is still a lot of work offshore to complete in order to get Tyra II ready for first gas in the winter season 2023/24.”

Facts about the final installation

  • More than 260 people execute the lifting of the process module, two bridges and one flare onboard Sleipnir in October 2022.
  • On 4 October 2022 at 8:27 AM, the biggest and final Tyra II topside was safely installed at the Tyra field. The lift of the 17,000 tons heavy process module broke a world record as the heaviest crane lift ever undertaken at sea.
  • The final Tyra II module lifted into position was the bridge connecting the accommodation- and process platforms. It is 85,4 meters long and weighs 370 tons.
  • Sleipnir is the world’s largest crane vessel from TotalEnergies’ EPC contractor Heerema Marine Contractors. Sleipnir’s two huge cranes can lift a weight of up to 20,000 tons. The vessel is 220 meters long and 102 meters wide – a size equivalent to approximately 3 football fields.
  • Sleipnir has been part of the Tyra removal campaign and helped install the new jackets in September 2020 as well as the remaining new Tyra II modules including the accommodation module, six well head and riser modules, and 4 bridges in September 2021 and April 2022.

Facts on the Tyra Redevelopment

  • TotalEnergies is the operator of the Tyra field on behalf of Danish Underground Consortium (DUC) – a partnership between TotalEnergies (43.2%), Noreco (36.8%) and Nordsøfonden (20%).
  • Tyra is Denmark's largest natural gas field and has been a center for processing and exporting more than 90% of the natural gas produced in the Danish North Sea before its redevelopment.
  • A redevelopment of the Tyra field is necessary due to the field's natural subsidence of the chalk reservoir after many years of production.
  • The redevelopment of the Tyra field includes three main elements: decommissioning and recycling of the old Tyra platforms; extending the current platform legs on six of the platforms with 13 meters, which will have new topsides; a completely new process module and a new accommodation platform
  • Once the modernized Tyra II is back on stream, it is expected to deliver 2.8 billion cubic meter gas per year which amounts to 80% of the forecasted Danish gas production.
  • Tyra II will secure continued production of natural gas with 30% less CO2 emissions and contributing to energy security of Denmark’s and Europe.

TotalEnergies media contact:
Thorkild Diness Jensen / Head of External Communications for TotalEnergies Denmark / +45 20 20 42 36 /

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About TotalEnergies in Denmark
TotalEnergies is Denmark’s leading oil and gas company employing a diverse and international workforce of around 1,200 people. We are responsible for 85% of the oil and 97% of the national gas produced and are developing one of the leading carbon storage projects which is expected to save millions of tonnes of CO2 in the depleted oil and gas reservoirs in the Danish North Sea. TotalEnergies’ operations date back more than half a century, representing an important contribution to Denmark’s economy, energy supply and employment. In addition to our oil and gas activities, TotalEnergies is working on establishing new business activities within offshore wind, solar energy, and other renewable energy sources.

About TotalEnergies
TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in more than 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.


TotalEnergies is Denmark’s leading oil and gas company employing a diverse and international workforce of around 1,200 people. We are responsible for 85% of the oil and 97% of the national gas produced and are developing one of the leading carbon storage projects which is expected to save millions of tonnes of CO2 in the depleted oil and gas reservoirs in the Danish North Sea. TotalEnergies’ operations date back more than half a century, representing an important contribution to Denmark’s economy, energy supply and employment. In addition to our oil and gas activities, TotalEnergies is working on establishing new business activities within offshore wind, solar energy, and other renewable energy sources.


Thorkild Diness Jensen

Thorkild Diness Jensen

Press contact Head of External Communications & CSR External Communications +45 20 20 42 36

Welcome to TotalEnergies Denmark!

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in more than 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.

TotalEnergies Denmark

Amerika Plads 29
2100 København Ø