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Ny Tyra-procesplatform tager nu på 8.700 sømil lang rejse

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Ny Tyra-procesplatform tager nu på 8.700 sømil lang rejse

Esbjerg, 1. september 2022 – TotalEnergies EP Danmark A/S og partnerne i Dansk Undergrunds Consortium – Noreco og Nordsøfonden – kan i dag melde om en vellykket udsejling af den nye Tyra II-procesplatform.

I dag kl. 10.15 lokal tid startede det 17.000 tons tunge procesmodul rejsen vestover fra McDermotts værft i Batam, Indonesien ombord på transportskibet GPO Emerald. Procesplatformen har været under konstruktion siden oktober 2018, og der er brugt mere end 18,8 millioner arbejdstimer på at bygge det.

Den lange rejse fra Asien til den danske Nordsø vil tage omkring 30 dage, og den vil føre platformen gennem Suezkanalen, hvor transportskibet tager ekstra ballast ombord for at toppen af platformen kan passere under broen med en afstand af mindre end to meter.

Ved ankomsten til Tyra-feltet vil procesmodulet blive løftet på plads som den sidste af de otte platforme, der skal udgøre Danmarks nye knudepunkt for naturgasproduktion - Tyra II. På grund af modulets enorme vægt er kun ét kranfartøj i hele verden – Heerema Marine Contractors Sleipnir – i stand til at udføre dette verdensrekordløft.

Nu hvor procesplatformen har forladt værftet, vil de kommende aktiviteter på Tyra Genopbygningsprojektet ske offshore på Tyra-feltet, hvor der arbejdes på at sætte strøm i de installerede platforme og forbinde dem med den eksisterende Nordsø-infrastruktur.

Lars Bo Christiansen, Tyra Genopbygningsprojektets Viceprojektdirektør for TotalEnergies EP Danmark A/S, siger:
”Udsejlingen af den nye Tyra II procesplatform er en milepæl for Tyra Genopbygningsprojektet, da det markerer afslutningen på al konstruktion på land. Herefter vil det resterende arbejde på Tyra II foregå i den danske Nordsø, hvor vi har brug for fuld støtte fra offshore specialister fra Danmark og hele verden. Størrelsen og omfanget af vores nye procesplatform er imponerende, og vi ser meget frem til at få installeret og forbundet det sidste store modul med de resterende platforme på Tyra-feltet i løbet af den næste måned.”

Fakta om procesplatformen

  • Platformen er 17.000 tons tung, 47 meter høj og måler cirka 16.300 kvadratmeter – svarende til størrelsen af mere end to fodboldbaner.
  • Den består af 19 rum herunder luftkompressorrummet, flere værksteder og strømforsyningsrummet. Platformens kablerne ville strække sig 783 kilometer hvis de sættes sammen – svarende til afstanden fra Esbjerg til Amsterdam.
  • Procesplatformen er bygget med produkter og materialer i højeste kvalitet, og der er sensorer placeret på alt det kritiske udstyr (f.eks. kompressorer, pumper, varmeapparater), som løbende indsamler data og vil give kontrolrumsoperatørerne mulighed for at overvåge tilstanden af Tyra II døgnet rundt.
  • Med brugen af ny teknologi og moderniserede arbejdsprocesser forventer TotalEnergies, at Tyras driftseffektivitet vil stige fra dets nuværende gennemsnit på omkring 80 % til mere end 90 % når feltet producerer igen. Elektrisk drevne udstyrsmotorer, der forsynes med strøm fra gasturbinegeneratorerne, er blot en af bidragyderne til dette.
  • Procesplatformen vil være i stand til at behandle 300 millioner standard kubikfod gas om dagen, som kommer fra både Tyra og fem ubemandede satellitfelter, nemlig Tyra Sydøst, Harald, Valdemar, Svend og Roar.

Fakta om Tyra Genopbygningen

  • TotalEnergies er operatør på Tyra-feltet på vegne af DUC – et partnerskab mellem TotalEnergies (43,2%), Noreco (36,8%) og Nordsøfonden (20%).
  • Tyra er Danmarks største naturgasfelt. Før feltet blev lukket for genopbygning, var det centrum for bearbejdning og eksport af mere end 90% af den naturgas, der blev produceret i den danske Nordsø.
  • Genopbygningen af Tyra blev nødvendig, da havbunden under platformene var sunket som følge af mange års udvinding fra det underliggende kalklag.
  • Genopbygningen af Tyra-feltet omfatter tre hovedelementer: Nedtagning samt genanvendelse og bortskaffelse af de gamle Tyra-platforme; Genbrug og 13 meters forlængelse af de nuværende platformben på seks platforme, som vil få nye overdele (topsides); samt en helt ny procesplatform og en helt ny beboelsesplatform
  • Når det genopbyggede Tyra II er tilbage i produktion, forventes det at levere
    2,8 milliarder kubikmeter gas om året, hvilket svarer til 80% af den forventede danske gasproduktion.
  • Tyra II vil levere naturgas med 30% mindre CO2 emissioner fra produktionen og vil yde et væsentlig bidrag til den danske forsyningssikkerhed ved at reducere Danmarks og EU’s afhængighed af russisk gas.

TotalEnergies mediekontakt:
Thorkild Diness Jensen / Head of External Communications for TotalEnergies Danmark / +45 20 20 42 36 /

Supplerende materiale:

Hent relevante billeder og videoer af procesplatformen og udsejlingen fra Indonesien her.

Om TotalEnergies i Danmark
TotalEnergies er Danmarks ledende olie og gasvirksomhed med en bred og international arbejdsstyrke på ca 1.200 medarbejdere. Vi er ansvarlige for 85% af olieproduktionen og 97% af gasproduktionen i Danmark og står for udviklingen af et af de førende CO2-lagringsprojekter, som forventes at kunne lagre flere millioner tons CO2 i de udtjente olie- og gasfelter i Nordsøen. TotalEnergies’ operation har været aktiv i mere end et halvt århundrede og repræsenterer et vigtigt bidrag til den danske økonomi, energiforsyning og beskæftigelse. Udover olie- og gasaktiviteterne arbejder TotalEnergies på at etablere nye forretningsaktiviteter inden for offshore vind, solenergi og andre vedvarende energiformer.

Om TotalEnergies
TotalEnergies er et globalt multi-energiselskab, som producerer og markedsfører en bred vifte af energiformer: olie og biobrændsel, naturgas og grønne gasser, vedvarende energi og elektricitet. Vores mere end 100.000 medarbejdere har fuldt fokus på energiformer, der er stadigt billigere, renere, mere pålidelige og tilgængelige for så mange mennesker som muligt. TotalEnergies er aktiv i mere end 130 lande og har bæredygtig udvikling i centrum af alle virksomhedens projekter og operationer for at bidrage til menneskers velvære.



New Tyra process module sets off on 8,700 nautical miles journey

Esbjerg, 1 September 2022 – TotalEnergies EP Denmark and its Danish Underground Consortium partners Noreco and Nordsøfonden are pleased to announce the successful sail away of the new Tyra II process module.

Today at 10.15 local time, the 17,000 metric tons process module left McDermott’s fabrication yard in Batam, Indonesia onboard the heavy transport vessel GPO Emerald. The complex module has been under construction since October 2018, and the teams have spent more than 18.8 million work hours to build it.

The long journey from Asia to the Danish North Sea will take around 30 days and it will lead the module through the Suez Canal where the vessel needs to be ballasted down to pass under a bridge with less than two meters clearance.

Upon arrival at the Tyra field, the process module will be installed as the final of eight platforms completing Denmark’s new high-tech hub for natural gas production – Tyra II. Due to the enormous weight of module, only one crane vessel in the world – Heerema Marine Contractor’s Sleipnir – can execute this world record lift.

With the sail-away on schedule, the final activities of the Tyra Redevelopment Project will be safely executed offshore at the Tyra field where work is ongoing to power up the installed platforms and to reconnect them to the existing North Sea infrastructure.

Lars Bo Christiansen, Project Director Deputy for TotalEnergies EP Denmark A/S, said:
The sail-away of the new Tyra II process module is of key importance for the Tyra Redevelopment Project and European gas supplies as it marks the conclusion of onshore construction. With this the remaining work on Tyra II will take place in the Danish North Sea where the full support of the local and international offshore community will be required. The sheer size and magnitude of the process module is just incredible, and we look forward to uniting this final major component with the remaining platforms at the Tyra field during the next month.”

Facts on the process module

  • The processing module is 17,000 metric tons heavy, 47 meters tall and measures approximately 16,300 square meters – equivalent to size of more than two soccer fields.
  • The module contains 19 rooms such as the air compressor room, several workshops, or the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) room. The cables connecting everything are 783 kilometers long when putting them together – equivalent to the distance from Esbjerg to Amsterdam.
  • The process module is built with high-end materials, and there are sensors on all the critical equipment (e.g. compressors, pumps, heaters) which continuously collect data and will allow the control room operators to monitor the condition and performance of Tyra II around the clock.
  • With the use of new technology and modernized working processes, TotalEnergies anticipates that Tyra’s operational efficiency will increase from its current average of around 80% to more than 90% after launching. Electrically driven equipment motors that are fed with power from the gas turbine generators are just one of the contributors to this.
  • At peak, the process module will be able to process 300 million standard cubic feet gas per day which is coming from both Tyra and five unmanned satellite fields, namely Tyra Southeast, Harald, Valdemar, Svend and Roar.

Facts on the Tyra Redevelopment

  • TotalEnergies is the operator of the Tyra field on behalf of DUC – a partnership between TotalEnergies (43.2%), Noreco (36.8%) and Nordsøfonden (20%).
  • Tyra is Denmark's largest natural gas field and has been a center for processing and exporting more than 90% of the natural gas produced in the Danish North Sea before its redevelopment.
  • A redevelopment of the Tyra field is necessary due to the field's natural subsidence of the chalk reservoir after many years of production.
  • The redevelopment of the Tyra field includes three main elements: decommissioning and recycling of the old Tyra platforms; recycling and extending the current platform legs on six of the platforms with 13 meters, which will have new topsides; a completely new process module and a new accommodation platform.
  • Once the modernized Tyra II is back on stream, it is expected to deliver 2.8 billion cubic meter gas per year which amounts to 80% of the forecasted Danish gas production.
  • Tyra II will secure continued production of natural gas with 30% less CO2 emissions and contributing to energy security by reducing Denmark’s and EU’s dependency on Russian gas.

TotalEnergies media contact:

Thorkild Diness Jensen / Head of External Communications for TotalEnergies Denmark / +45 20 20 42 36 /

Supplementing material:

Please download relevant pictures and videos of the process module and its sail-away from Indonesia here.

About TotalEnergies in Denmark
TotalEnergies is Denmark’s leading oil and gas company employing a diverse and international workforce of around 1,200 people. We are responsible for 85% of the oil and 97% of the national gas produced and are developing one of the leading carbon storage projects which is expected to save millions of tonnes of CO2 in the depleted oil and gas reservoirs in the Danish North Sea. TotalEnergies’ operations date back more than half a century, representing an important contribution to Denmark’s economy, energy supply and employment. In addition to our oil and gas activities, TotalEnergies is working on establishing new business activities within offshore wind, solar energy, and other renewable energy sources.

About TotalEnergies
TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in more than 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.


TotalEnergies is Denmark’s leading oil and gas company employing a diverse and international workforce of around 1,200 people. We are responsible for 85% of the oil and 97% of the national gas produced and are developing one of the leading carbon storage projects which is expected to save millions of tonnes of CO2 in the depleted oil and gas reservoirs in the Danish North Sea. TotalEnergies’ operations date back more than half a century, representing an important contribution to Denmark’s economy, energy supply and employment. In addition to our oil and gas activities, TotalEnergies is working on establishing new business activities within offshore wind, solar energy, and other renewable energy sources.


Thorkild Diness Jensen

Thorkild Diness Jensen

Press contact Head of External Communications & CSR External Communications +45 20 20 42 36

Welcome to TotalEnergies Denmark!

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in more than 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.

TotalEnergies Denmark

Amerika Plads 29
2100 København Ø