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DTEC: TotalEnergies og DTU tager første spadestik på grønt forskningscenter i verdensklasse

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DTEC: TotalEnergies og DTU tager første spadestik på grønt forskningscenter i verdensklasse

Risø/København, 1. februar 2024 – I maj 2022 blev en aftale om etableringen af DTU-TotalEnergies Excellence Centre for Clean Energy (DTEC) indgået. Nu tager parterne bag samarbejdet første spadestik for at etablere verdensførende eksperimentelle faciliteter til fremtidens forskning i rene energisystemer.

Med centeret er forskning og industri gået sammen i et strategisk partnerskab for at sætte fart på udviklingen af grønne klimateknologier i Danmark. Med det første spadestik markeres, at partnerne begynder etableringen af et hybridkraftværk på DTU’s Risø Campus, der skal være centrum for dansk forskning i samspillet mellem vind- og solenergi, lagring og PtX.

Vi er meget glade for DTEC-samarbejdet og ser frem til de nye faciliteter. I samspillet mellem DTU som forskningsinstitution og TotalEnergies som industripartner bringer vi vores samlede viden i spil til gavn for udviklingen af fremtidens grønne, integrerede og robuste energisystemer” siger Morten Jeppesen, institutdirektør for DTU Vind og Energisystemer.

For TotalEnergies er forskningscenteret en vigtig del af den danske forankring af selskabets transformationsstrategi, der indebærer store investeringer i udviklingen af grøn energi verden over på vej mod målet om 100ThW i 2030:

Danmark er helt i front, når det gælder forskning i klimateknologier og særligt indenfor udviklingen af vindenergi. Det er en position, som vi som global spiller gerne vil være med til at nyde gavn af samt udbygge, så omstillingen af energisystemet i Danmark og Europa kan gå endnu hurtigere. De erfaringer, vi gør os i DTEC-samarbejdet, vil vi sætte i spil i opførelsen af vedvarende energi både herhjemme og ude i verden. Vi har netop kunnet annoncere vores første havvindsprojekter i Danmark i samarbejde med European Energy, og vi håber på mere i de kommende store udbud for havvind” fortæller Martin Rune Pedersen, Landedirektør og Head of CCS for TotalEnergies i Danmark.

Centeret vil til en start bestå af forsøgsvindmøller, solceller, batterisystemer og et avanceret kontrolsystem, og faciliteterne ventes at stå klar i oktober 2024.

Kontakt TotalEnergies i Danmark 
Thorkild Diness Jensen / Head of External Communications for TotalEnergies Danmark / +45 20 20 42 36 /

Om TotalEnergies i Danmark
TotalEnergies er et af verdens største energiselskaber med over 100.000 ansatte på verdensplan. Selskabet er aktivt involveret i forskellige energisektorer, herunder olie, gas, sol, vind, biobrændstoffer, brint, batterier, e-mobilitet og CO2-lagring.

I Danmark er TotalEnergies repræsenteret af et internationalt team på 1.200 professionelle. Selskabets nuværende aktiviteter er centreret i det danske Nordsøen, hvor TotalEnergies sammen med partnerne BlueNord og Nordsøfonden i det danske Underground Consortium fører an i olie- og gasproduktionen og aktivt udvikler et af Danmarks førende CO2-lagringsprojekter, der er i stand til at lagre millioner af tons CO2. Derudover udvikler selskabet nye forretningsmuligheder, der sigter mod e-mobilitet, offshore- og onshore vind, solenergi, biogas og andre vedvarende eller lav-kulstof energikilder.

TotalEnergies og elektricitet
Som en del af sin ambition om at nå net zero inden 2050, bygger TotalEnergies en konkurrencedygtig portefølje i verdensklasse, der kombinerer vedvarende energi (sol, onshore og offshore vind) og fleksible aktiver (CCGT, opbevaring) for at levere ren fast strøm til sine kunder. Ved udgangen af 2023 var TotalEnergies' brutto vedvarende elektricitetsproduktionskapacitet 22 GW. TotalEnergies vil fortsætte med at udvide denne forretning for at nå 35 GW i 2025 og mere end 100 TWh af netto elektricitetsproduktion inden 2030.



DTEC: TotalEnergies and DTU break ground on world-class green research center

Risø/Copenhagen, February 1, 2024 – In May 2022, an agreement on the establishment of the DTU-TotalEnergies Excellence Center for Clean Energy (DTEC) was signed. Now, the parties behind the agreement can break ground on the center, where world-leading experimental facilities for future clean energy research will be established.

With the center, research and industry have joined forces in a strategic partnership to accelerate the development of green climate technologies in Denmark. The groundbreaking thus marks the beginning of the establishment of a hybrid power plant at Risø, which will be the center for Danish research in the interaction between wind and solar energy, storage and PtX.

"We are very pleased with the DTEC collaboration and look forward to the new facilities. In the interaction between DTU as a research institution and TotalEnergies as an industrial partner, we bring our collective knowledge into play for the benefit of the development of future green, integrated, and robust energy systems" says Morten Jeppesen, Institute Director for DTU Wind and Energy Systems.

For TotalEnergies, the research center is an important part of the Danish anchoring of the company's transformation strategy, which involves major investments in the development of green energy worldwide towards the goal of 100ThW by 2030:

"Denmark is at the forefront when it comes to research in climate technologies and especially in the development of wind energy. This is a position that we, as a global player, would like to help benefit from and expand so that the transition of the energy system in Denmark and Europe can proceed even faster. Furthermore, the experience we gain in the DTEC collaboration will be put into play in the construction of renewable energy both in Denmark and abroad. We have just announced our first offshore wind projects in Denmark in collaboration with European Energy, and we hope for more in the upcoming offshore wind tenders," says Martin Rune Pedersen, Country Chair and Head of CCS for TotalEnergies in Denmark.

The center will consist of test wind turbines, solar cells, battery systems and an advanced control system as the first phase, and the facilities are expected to be ready in October 2024.

TotalEnergies media contact
Thorkild Diness Jensen / Head of External Communications for TotalEnergies Denmark / +45 20 20 42 36 /

About TotalEnergies in Denmark 
TotalEnergies is one of the world's largest energy companies, with over 100,000 employees worldwide. The company is actively involved in various energy sectors, including oil, gas, solar, wind, biofuels, hydrogen, batteries, e-mobility, and CO2 storage.  

In Denmark, TotalEnergies is represented by an international team of 1,200 professionals. The company's current activities are centered in the Danish North Sea, where TotalEnergies with the partners BlueNord and Nordsøfonden in the Danish Underground Consortium leads in oil and gas production and is actively developing one of Denmark's foremost CO2 storage projects, capable of storing millions of tons of CO2. Additionally, the company is developing new business opportunities, targeting e-mobility, offshore- and onshore wind, solar energy, biogas and other renewable or low-carbon energy sources. 

TotalEnergies and electricity 
As part of its ambition to get to net zero by 2050, TotalEnergies is building a world class cost-competitive portfolio combining renewables (solar, onshore and offshore wind) and flexible assets (CCGT, storage) to deliver clean firm power to its customers. At the end of 2023, TotalEnergies’ gross renewable electricity generation installed capacity was 22 GW. TotalEnergies will continue to expand this business to reach 35 GW in 2025 and more than 100 TWh of net electricity production by 2030. 


TotalEnergies is Denmark’s leading oil and gas company employing a diverse and international workforce of around 1,200 people. We are responsible for 86% of the oil and 89% of the national gas produced and are developing one of the leading carbon storage projects which is expected to save millions of tonnes of CO2 in the depleted oil and gas reservoirs in the Danish North Sea. TotalEnergies’ operations date back more than half a century, representing an important contribution to Denmark’s economy, energy supply and employment. In addition to our oil and gas activities, TotalEnergies is working on establishing new business activities within offshore wind, solar energy, and other renewable energy sources.


Thorkild Diness Jensen

Thorkild Diness Jensen

Press contact Head of External Communications & CSR External Communications +45 20 20 42 36

Welcome to TotalEnergies Denmark!

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in more than 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.

TotalEnergies Denmark

Amerika Plads 29
2100 København Ø