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TCL udstiller på CES 2024 med verdens største QD-Mini LED TV

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TCL udstiller på CES 2024 med verdens største QD-Mini LED TV

TCL Electronics, København, 8. januar 2024 – TCL Electronics, et af verdens hurtigst voksende forbrugerelektronikmærker, udstiller igen på verdens største elektronikmesse CES i Las Vegas 9.-12. januar 2024. I år fremviser TCL over hundrede banebrydende produkter og sin førende teknologiportefølje, der spænder over 15 produktkategorier, herunder QD-Mini LED TV, TCL FreshIN klimaanlæg, TCL Free Built-in Series køleskabe, vaskemaskiner, funktionsrige mobile enheder, AR-briller, kommercielle skærme, smarte energiløsninger og meget mere.

TCL er førende inden for førsteklasses storskærms-tv med Mini LED-teknologi og vil afsløre sine seneste gennembrud inden for skærmteknologi på CES 2024 og fremvise et af verdens største QD-Mini LED-tv for første gang.

Ud over de prisvindende hjemmebiografsystemer vil virksomheden introducere en af branchens første smarte underholdningsløsninger til tilsluttede mobile enheder, der kombinerer smartphones, tablets, smarte briller og andre enheder. Blandt andet vil den nyeste NXTPAPER-skærmteknologi og RayNeo AR-brillerne med revolutionerende 3D-head-up-display i fuld farve og kraftfulde AI-funktioner blive fremvist.

TCL pressekonference
Hvornår: kl. 11.00 (PST), kl. 20.00 (CET), 8. januar 2024
Hvor: Mandalay Bay, Islander Ballroom i North Convention Center
Online: TCL Youtube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y4wIqX5FnU

TCL CES stand
Hvornår: 9.-12. januar 2024
Hvor: Las Vegas Convention Center, Central Hall #18708

Læs mere i pressemeddelelsen nedenfor.

TCL to Showcase Leading Technology Portfolio and Solutions to Inspire Greatness at CES 2024

SHENZHEN, China, January 2023 – TCL Electronics, a leading consumer electronics brand and the world's top two TV brand, today announced its presence at the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES), taking place in Las Vegas in January 2024. The company will showcase over a hundred cutting-edge products, demonstrating its leading technology portfolio spanning 15 product categories, including QD-Mini LED TVs, TCL FreshIN air conditioners, TCL Free Built-in Series refrigerators, washing machines, feature-rich mobile devices, AR glasses, commercial displays, one-stop smart energy solutions and more.

As a leading company in premium large-screen TVs and Mini LED technology, TCL is set to present its latest breakthroughs in display technology at CES 2024 and unveil one of the world’s largest QD-Mini LED TVs to audience in the North American region for the first time.

In addition to the award-winning home theater systems, the company will introduce one of the industry’s first smart connected mobile device entertainment solutions which combine smartphones, tablets, smart glasses, and other devices. Among these, the latest NXTPAPER display technology optimized for the human eyes and the RayNeo AR glasses with revolutionary full-color 3D head-up display and powerful AI capabilities will be revealed.

Together with its renowned partners worldwide, TCL continues to inspire greatness for global users through a variety of groundbreaking collaborations, including its role as the Official TV Partner of the National Football League (NFL) in the United States. In addition, TCL will demonstrate its commitment to a greater and more sustainable future through its latest environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives.

TCL has witnessed consistent growth throughout the first three quarters of 2023. Notably, TCL TVs ranked first in overall shipment in the Philippines, Australia, Myanmar, and Pakistan. Shipment of TCL TVs in the North American region increased 11.4% YoY, placing the company third in terms of shipment in the United States. Elsewhere, TCL TVs were second in France and third in the Czech Republic and Sweden in terms of shipment. For mobile devices, TCL smartphones ranked top three in Android phone shipment in North America. Other TCL products including air conditioners and RayNeo’s AR and XR glasses are also leading global markets with their latest, innovative features.

For more details, please refer to the below:

TCL CES 2024 Press Conference
Date & Time: 11 AM (PST), January 8, 2024
Location: Mandalay Bay, Islander Ballroom in the North Convention Center

Date: January 9-12, 2024
Location: Las Vegas Convention Center, Central Hall #18708


About TCL Electronics
TCL Electronics (1070.HK) is a leading consumer electronics brand and leader in the global television industry. TCL now operates in more than 160 markets around the world. The company specializes in the research, development, and manufacturing of consumer electronics products ranging from TVs, audio, home appliances, mobile devices, smart glasses, commercial displays, and more. Visit the TCL website at https://www.tcl.com.

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Om TCL Electronics
TCL Electronics blev grundlagt for 40 år siden og er vokset til at blive en af verdens største virksomheder inden for forbrugerelektronik. TCL driver sine egne produktions- og F & U-centre over hele verden med produkter, der sælges i over 160 lande og rangeres som nummer to med hensyn til det globale TV-salgsvolumen for 2023. TCL er specialiserat i forskning, udvikling og fremstilling af forbrugerelektronik, alt fra TV-apparater og lydprodukter til smart hjemmeelektronik. www.tcl.com


Hanna Glaas

Hanna Glaas

Pressekontakt PR & Communication, TCL Nordics +46 70 210 80 01
Sebastian Skarp

Sebastian Skarp

Pressekontakt Retail Marketing Manager Nordics +46 72 184 14 44

TCL Electronics – Inspire Greatness

TCL Electronics er en af ​​verdens største virksomheder inden for forbrugerelektronik. Siden starten i 1981 har TCL stået for kreativitet og innovation – og det er stadig kodeordene, der viser vejen frem. Vinder af flere prestigefyldte priser flere år i træk, herunder for bedste TV 2023/2024, er TCL repræsenteret over hele verden. Vi fortsætter vores rejse for at forbedre folks hverdag med smarte produkter og førsteklasses oplevelser. Innovation for alle - til en god pris.

Læs mere på www.tcl.com.