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TCL løfter sløret for de seneste innovationer på IFA 2023 og toppriser i Smart Home-segmentet

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TCL løfter sløret for de seneste innovationer på IFA 2023 og toppriser i Smart Home-segmentet

TCL Electronics deltager i dette års IFA-messe i Berlin for at fremvise de nyeste produkter inden for tv-underholdning, smart home, personlige enheder og vedvarende energiløsninger.

TCL Electronics, København, 1. september 2023 – TCL Electronics, et af verdens hurtigst voksende forbrugerelektronikbrands, er igen i år på en af de ældste og mest indflydelsesrige teknologimesser i verden, IFA i Berlin. Ved at tiltrække tusindvis af globale teknologimærker og brancheeksperter repræsenterer IFA et meget omfattende overblik over det internationale marked, og TCL's tilstedeværelse ved arrangementet i over et årti bekræfter virksomhedens position i spidsen for banebrydende underholdning og smart teknologi til hjemmet.

I år viser TCL stolt sine store gennembrud inden for engagerende hjemmeunderholdning, IoT-teknologier og bæredygtig energi ved at fremvise brandets nyeste innovationer inden for hjemmebiograf, smart home, mobile enheder, tablets, AR-briller samt TCLs nyeste innovationer inden for solcelleteknologi.

Verdens største Mini LED på pladsen på standen – igen i år! Nu hele 115 tommer.
Sidste år viste TCL den største Mini LED-skærm frem på IFA, og i år stiger virksomheden i niveau. På standen vil en 115 tommer tv-skærm være på stedet for alle, der er nysgerrige efter den ultimative teknologi til hjemmebiograf.

Brancheanerkendelse for fremragende resultater inden for udvikling af Smart Home-produkter
Tidligere i dag under showet blev TCL tildelt Smart Air Purification Technology Award som anerkendelse af Europe Digital Group og Asia Digital Group for deres avancerede klimaanlægsteknologi. Efter omhyggelig evaluering blev TCL FreshIN Series AC tildelt prisen takket være verdens første tovejs friskluftteknologi.

TCL udstiller på IFA 2023 således:

  • Dato: 1.-5. september 2023
  • Sted: HALL 21-101, Messedamm Berlin, Tyskland

Læs mere i den engelske pressemeddelelse nedenfor.


TCL Exhibits Latest Innovations During IFA 2023 with Top Awards for Smart Home Appliances

TCL is present at the world’s biggest technology event to showcase the brand’s, unmatched entertainment, smart home, personal device, and renewable energy solutions designed to inspire audiences across the globe

September 1, 2023 - TCL, a leading consumer electronics brand and the world's top two TV brand*, hosts a booth at IFA, the world’s most significant technology event, taking place at the Messe Berlin Exhibition Grounds from September 1–5. Attracting thousands of global technology brands and industry experts, IFA represents the most comprehensive overview of the international market and TCL’s presence at the event for over ten years solidifies its position at the forefront of groundbreaking entertainment and smart domestic technology.

TCL joins IFA in 2023 to proudly demonstrate extensive breakthroughs in immersive entertainment displays, IoT technologies, and sustainable energy through a showcase of the brands latest innovations in home theater, air conditioners, washing machines, smartphones, tablets, AR glasses and smart home solutions, as well as the latest distributed photovoltaics (PV) technologies.

For those who are looking for ultimate home theater technologies, TCL is exhibiting the 115” Mini LED display, the world’s largest of its kind so far, together with powerful multi-channel audio innovations.

As a sports enthusiast and major sponsor to a number of global athletic icons, TCL is also presenting its latest branding updates at the booth, with the much-anticipated interactive session of world-famous football legend.

Industry Recognition for Outstanding Achievements in the Evolution of Domestic Appliances
During the exhibition, TCL received the Smart Air Purification Technology Awardas a recognition by Europe Digital Group and Asia Digital Group for its advanced air conditioning technology.

Following rigorous review and evaluation, the esteemed judges highly recognized TCL FreshIN Series ACthanks to its world’s first integrated two-way fresh air technology.

The awards were given out as part of the Global Product Technical Innovation Award Ceremony organized by Europe Digital Group and Asia Digital Group and were chosen by a jury of global experts and influential media.

TCL air conditioning technology goes far beyond just creating comfortable living conditions. TCL pride themselves on the ability to create ACs which actually benefit our health, through their capacity to purify the air we breathe. With TCL’s FreshIN+ 2.0 Technology, the industry’s first, two-way fresh air replacement system, oxygen rich air from the outdoors is brought in, whilst unhealthy air is discharged.

This is perfect for when air quality is poor as it actually expels bad air – meaning it helps to remove unwanted particles such as dust, pet hair and pollutants. Coupled with a quadruple layer filtration system, the air circulated is much better for people sensitive to allergies. The same applies for odor removal, as the FreshIN+ fresh air breathing system can help to eliminate bad smells where traditional AC’s cannot.

In addition, TCL is also proud to announce its Free Built-In Refrigerator C521CD was awarded the Annual Product Innovation Award by the renowned China Household Electric Appliance Research Institute. The TCL Free Buit-In Refrigerator will be launches in Europe in Q1 2024.

The TCL Free Built-In Refrigerator C521CD was recognized for its innovative design, with a sleek thin cabinet measuring only 640mm (including the door) and just 0.4cm of space reserved between the sides of the cabinets, allowing for the use of space to be maximized for groceries, increasing overall efficiency. Both the refrigerator and freezer compartments are equipped with sterilization devices to ensure healthy sanitization without residue, ensuring food is kept in the optimal hygienic conditions.

In terms of key advantages and features acknowledged by the judges, C521CD’s Bottom Heat Dissipation Technology effectively controls operational heats from building up on the sides and top of the fridge, thus saving the space which would have been needed for ventilation.

What’s more, TCL’s fourth generation Microcellular foaming insulation layer is 10% thinner than in the original model, further adding to the thin and sleek design. C521CD also features T-Fresh ion generating devices, Pure Air odor absorbing modules and a -20°C-5°C Convertible Zone ensure optimal conditions to keep food at its freshest and healthiest for longer.

Cutting-edge Technology at Home and Beyond
Looking outside of the home to personal devices, TCL’s RayNeo stood out as a contender in the smart wearable field with the introduction of the elevated RayNeo X2,the world’s first mass-producible binocular full-color MicroLED optical waveguide AR glasses that provides a premium upgrade in display effects and AR experience. To top it off, TCL also revealed exciting new use cases for its award-winning NXTPAPER display technology, which will bring an elevated full color paper-like experience with unparalleled eye comfort to smartphone category for the very first time.

Technologies for a More Sustainable Future
Further inspiring global audiences to live greener lives, TCL has been actively expanding its presence in the distributed photovoltaics (PV) field, striding to achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals with all-in-one smart energy solution exhibited during IFA, impressing audiences as its set to redefine the efficient use of sustainable energy at home and support a green, low-carbon lifestyle.

*Exhibits mentioned in this article include prototypes and demonstrations that are not immediately available to the market. Readers are advised to contact the local TCL office for more information.



Om TCL Electronics
TCL Electronics blev grundlagt for 40 år siden og er vokset til at blive en af verdens største virksomheder inden for forbrugerelektronik. TCL driver sine egne produktions- og F & U-centre over hele verden med produkter, der sælges i over 160 lande og rangeres som nummer to med hensyn til det globale TV-salgsvolumen for 2022. TCL er specialiserat i forskning, udvikling og fremstilling af forbrugerelektronik, alt fra TV-apparater og lydprodukter til smart hjemmeelektronik. www.tcl.com


Hanna Glaas

Hanna Glaas

Pressekontakt PR & Communication, TCL Nordics +46 70 210 80 01
Sebastian Skarp

Sebastian Skarp

Pressekontakt Retail Marketing Manager Nordics +46 72 184 14 44

TCL Electronics – Inspire Greatness

TCL Electronics er en af ​​verdens største virksomheder inden for forbrugerelektronik. Siden starten i 1981 har TCL stået for kreativitet og innovation – og det er stadig kodeordene, der viser vejen frem. Vinder af flere prestigefyldte priser flere år i træk, herunder for bedste TV 2023/2024, er TCL repræsenteret over hele verden. Vi fortsætter vores rejse for at forbedre folks hverdag med smarte produkter og førsteklasses oplevelser. Innovation for alle - til en god pris.

Læs mere på www.tcl.com.