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Kategorier: App-development

Framna is nominated for the 2024 Lovie Awards

Framna’s commitment to innovation earns 14 recognitions at the 2024 Lovie Awards

Framna, the fast-growing digital product agency, is disrupting the European tech landscape with 14 recognitions at the 2024 Lovie Awards. This solidifies its position as a leader in digital product innovation, blending creativity, technical expertise, and industry insight to push the limits of user experience and functionality in sectors like retail, energy, and healthcare.

Framna er nomineret ved Lovie Awards 2024

Framnas dedikation til innovation får 14 anerkendelser ved Lovie Awards 2024

Framna, det hastigt voksende digitale produktbureau, skaber røre i den europæiske tech-verden med 14 anerkendelser ved Lovie Awards 2024. Dette cementerer deres position som leder inden for digital produktinnovation ved at kombinere kreativitet, teknisk ekspertise og brancheindsigt for at skubbe grænserne for brugeroplevelse og funktionalitet i sektorer som detailhandel, energi og sundhed.

Framna byder Move velkommen

Move tilslutter sig det førende digitale produktbureau Framna sammen med Shape & Bontouch

Shape, et grundlæggende medlem af det førende digitale produktbureau Framna, annoncerer opkøbet af det prisvindende hollandske bureau Move. Framna, der blev dannet gennem fusionen af Shape fra Danmark og Bontouch fra Sverige, har nu mere end 550 medarbejdere. Målet er at blive det førende globale digitale produktbureau – ved at udvikle digitale produkter for de mest ambitiøse brands.

Framna welcomes Move

Move joins leading digital product agency Framna alongside Shape & Bontouch

Shape, a founding member of the leading digital product agency Framna, proudly announces the acquisition of the award-winning Dutch agency Move. Framna, formed through the merger of Shape from Denmark and Bontouch from Sweden, now boasts over 550 employees. The goal is to become the top global digital product agency - crafting digital products for the most ambitious brands.

Shape som tredobbelte vindere ved Danish Digital Awards 2024

Shape som tredobbelte vindere ved Danish Digital Awards 2024

Det App-fokuseret digitale produktbureau, Shape, der for nylig annoncerede, at de bliver til Framna sammen med det svenske digitale bureau, Bontouch, sikrede sig tre bronzepriser ud af imponerende 11 nomineringer ved Danish Digital Awards 2024.

Shape Celebrates Triple Wins at Danish Digital Awards 2024

Shape Celebrates Triple Wins at Danish Digital Awards 2024

App-focused digital product agency, Shape, who recently announced that they are becoming Framna together with Swedish digital agency, Bontouch, secured three bronze awards out of an impressive 11 nominations at Danish Digital Awards 2024.

Mobile App Trends 2024 Report Based on Denmark's Largest App Usage Study

Shape Unveils Mobile App Trends 2024 Report Based on Denmark's Largest App Usage Study

Shape, one of Denmark’s leading mobile app development studios, is proud to announce the release of their Mobile App Trends 2024 report. Derived from one of the most extensive surveys on app usage in Denmark, this report offers unparalleled insights into the factors driving app success and user engagement in the dynamic world of mobile apps.

Shape Lovie Award Winner 2023

App Agency Shape Wins Six Prestigious Lovie Awards for the Second Year in a Row

The app agency Shape has won six prestigious Lovie Awards for the second year in a row, including two Silvers, one Bronze, and three People's Lovies, solidifying their status as one of the most winning agencies in Lovie history. Shape's award-winning apps cover various categories, showcasing their commitment to delivering excellent digital products and user experiences.

Shape Lovie Awards vinder 2023

App-bureauet Shape vinder seks prestigefyldte Lovie Awards for andet år i træk

App-bureauet Shape har vundet seks prestigefyldte Lovie Awards for andet år i træk, herunder to Sølv, en Bronze og tre People's Lovies og cementerer deres status som en af de mest vindende bureauer i Lovie-historien. Shape's prisvindende apps spænder over forskellige kategorier og demonstrerer deres engagement i at levere fremragende digitale produkter og brugeroplevelser.

Novasa joins Shape

Novasa bliver en del af Shape

Shape har opkøbt den danske app-specialist Novasa. Opkøbet styrker yderligere Shapes position som det førende app-bureau i Danmark.

Bontouch går sammen med Shape og Waterland

Bontouch går sammen med Shape og Waterland

I slutningen af april meddelte vi, at Waterland Private Equity havde erhvervet en majoritetsandel af Shape, og at vi sammen satte fra land for at skabe det førende konsulenthus inden for appudvikling på globalt plan. I dag er vi begejstrede for at kunne annoncere, at Bontouch er blevet vores founding partner på den rejse.

Bontouch join forces with Shape and Waterland

Bontouch join forces with Shape and Waterland

Late April we announced that Waterland Private Equity had acquired a majority stake in Shape, as we set out to forge the leading digital product agency worldwide. Today we are excited to announce that Bontouch has become our founding partner on that journey.

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Shape er et prisvindende native app bureau med base i København

Vi er kendt for at bygge kvalitets apps der er forretnings kritiske. Apps som brugerne elsker og skaber vækst hos vores kunder.


Njalsgade 17 A 2
2300 København S