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Strong growth for MyNewsdesk: First Quarter sales increase by 63%

The First Quarter of 2010 saw a 63% increase in sales for MyNewsdesk, climbing from SEK 6.5 million to SEK10.6 million, combined with a profit of nearly SEK1.7 million.

The company gives two reasons for this sharp increase in profits: Firstly, their online marketing which reflects a commitment to existing customers, and secondly, the company’s expanding international operations.  In addition, MyNewsDesk’s products, which focus on simultaneous news distribution in social media, are now reaching a broader segment of the market.

"Our products and services fit with the times,” says Peter Ingman, Managing Director of MyNewsDesk. “We feel very proud to be able to offer so many new companies the opportunity improve their communications through one simple platform”

The scope of the company’s growth, however, is not limited to sales.  In March, MyNewsdesk had more than 820 000 visits from users who searched and published news on their service.  Those visitors represent a diverse and broad selection of countries and markets, which bodes well for the company's continued international expansion. The largest increase in visits to the site came from Nordic visitors, followed by users from the UK and the United States.  The company’s products support today’s demand for publishing and distributing news-related content on a global scale.

MyNewsdesk plans to continue its expansion. The company currently has 43 employees, but estimates that by year end, 60 people will be on board in the Nordic region.

In early April the company opened its first international office in Oslo.

“Norway’s response to our products and services has been incredibly positive,” says Peter Ingman.  “PR people understand and appreciate how our products simplify their communications, while at the same time maximising exposure to journalists and other stakeholders. For one, we save them time.  For another, the solutions we provide to users in Norway are wholly unique.”



MyNewsdesk – The News Exchange Site

MyNewsdesk makes it faster and easier for companies, journalists, bloggers and
opinion leaders to gain relevant exposure – on their own terms. It matches interested
users with press releases, videos, images and other content, all instantly searchengine
optimized and automatically published on social media platforms.

The site serves more than 10,000 companies and has a 97% customer satisfaction rate.


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Mynewsdesk - En effektiv måde til at forbedre kendskabet til dit brand

Mynewsdesk hjælper organisationer og virksomheder med at nå ud til den rette målgruppe og øge kendskabet til deres brand. Vores smarte platform gør det lettere og mere effektivt for dig at publicere, distribuere og mål måle på dine PR- og kommunikationsindsatser. Alt sammen på én og samme platform.

Når du samler hele din PR-indsats ét sted, bliver det lettere for dig at brande din forretning og overvåge de relevante kanaler. Det hjælper dig med at kunne måle på dine resultater.

Mynewsdesk har 1,6 millioner unikke besøgende hver måned, og der bliver publiceret 80.000 historier om året. Over 4000 organisationer i verden bruger Mynewsdesk til at forbedre deres PR-indsatser, og hele 70% får omtale i medierne.

Læs mere på: www.mynewsdesk.com/dk