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Kvasir PR: Celebrating the investment. From left: Mette Fløe Nielsen, VÅR Ventures, Joachim Bachmann Nielsen, CEO & Co-founder, Kvasir Technologies, Anders Kristoffersen, COO & Co-founder, Kvasir Technologies, and Lasse Truels Köhler, Maersk Growth
Kvasir PR: Celebrating the investment. From left: Mette Fløe Nielsen, VÅR Ventures, Joachim Bachmann Nielsen, CEO & Co-founder, Kvasir Technologies, Anders Kristoffersen, COO & Co-founder, Kvasir Technologies, and Lasse Truels Köhler, Maersk Growth

Press release -

VÅR Ventures and Maersk Growth announce their investment into Danish biofuel company Kvasir Technologies to accelerate the path away from fossil fuel dependency

Copenhagen, April 27, 2023. Kvasir Technologies, a Danish technology company developing a proprietary, cutting-edge process to produce carbon-neutral biofuel from non-edible biowaste material, has raised an investment round of EUR 2.15 million from lead investor VÅR Ventures with participation from Maersk Growth. With this investment round, Kvasir Technologies has raised nearly EUR 7 million this past year, including a EUR 2.5 million non-dilutive grant from the European Innovation Council (EIC) and various other project grants. The funding will be used to fast-track the realisation of the promising technology, and they expect this to be the last investment round before their Series A.

“We are proud and pleased about this investment from VÅR Ventures and Maersk Growth, respectively, as it truly validates the trust in our technology and cements its potential as an alternative to fossil fuels for the sectors most in need. We look forward to converting the investment into concrete initiatives as we work hard to scale our technology to mature it for the market”, says CEO Joachim Bachmann Nielsen, CEO, co-founder, and inventor of Kvasir’s technology.

With the UN Panel for climate change and IPCC’s warning of irreversible impacts of global warming in its latest report from March, we expect to see more alternative solutions and technologies to replace fossil fuels for the hardest to abate sectors sped up and brought to market as soon as possible.

“At VÅR Ventures, we aim to have a real impact on the achievement of the Paris Agreement’s target of limiting global warming through our investments. That is only possible if we reduce carbon emissions quickly, cost-efficiently, and sustainably. This is at the core of Kvasir’s technology, which is on a mission to help the shipping and marine industries abate 40 million tonnes of CO2 by 2030”, says Mette Fløe Nielsen, General Partner and Co-founder of VÅR Ventures.

“Scaling up production of low carbon fuels will play an essential role in achieving the decarbonisation targets of A.P. Moller-Maersk as well as the broader maritime industry. In Maersk Growth, we strive to accelerate this transition by identifying and supporting new innovative technology companies on the path towards commercial scale. Kvasir is a prime example of this, and we are excited to join them on this journey”, says Lasse Truels Köhler, Senior Associate at Maersk Growth.

Change the fuel. Not the engine

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set CO2 reduction targets of 40% in 2030 and 50% in 2050 for the shipping industry. That is a major challenge for the shipping industry due to the limited available technologies available in the market today. This is a challenge that Kvasir addresses directly with its solution that does not require retrofitting existing ships or investing in new fleets suitable for alternative fuels.

Our technology makes it possible to swap fossil fuels directly with carbon-neutral biofuels produced from our IP in the future. That makes it easier for hard to decarbonise sectors because with our solution, you change the fuel, not the engine – that obviously makes the transition considerably more cost-efficient for the carriers, be it ships or aeroplanes”, says Joachim.

Beyond the marine sector, Kvasir is currently scale-testing its solution initially aimed at the maritime sector to develop sustainable aviation fuels. Kvasir’s solution, once proven scalable in large-scale production set-up, can be applied in more sectors.

Kvasir is currently designing its first demo plant to be built in Fredericia. It will have the capacity to produce 2,000 L per day. Once the scaled production from the demo plant is successful, the commercial scaling will begin.

Facts about Kvasir Technology

  • Kvasir’s proprietary one-step process converts lignocellulose into a biofuel that can replace fossil fuel oil directly at a previously unseen high yield.
  • The CO2 reduction happens mainly in two main ways (1) utilising and converting a bioresource that would otherwise contribute to greenhouse gases (e.g. unused straw) and (2) producing a CO2-neutral product that substitutes fossil products (e.g. in the maritime/aviation sectors).
  • A comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) of Kvasir's technology is underway.
  • As an example, the potential in the marine sector is huge. The size of the global merchant fleet is 100,000+ ships. Of those, 98% still run on fossil fuels.
  • Kvasir works closely together with several leading biofuels research institutions such as Bioeconomy Institute/Iowa State University, DTU Chemical Engineering/Technical University of Denmark, and AAU Energy/Aalborg University, Denmark.
  • Kvasir has established partnerships with CrossBridge Energy, D/S Norden, Maersk Line, and Alfa Laval.
  • Kvasir has 15 employees and plans to double in size over the coming year.
  • Kvasir’s board members include Lars Erik Clausen, Chair (prev. CEO at Shell and EVP at IBM and Ørsted), and following this funding round, also Mette Fløe Nielsen, General Partner at VÅR Ventures, and Lasse Truels Köhler, Senior Associate at Maersk Growth.

About the companies

VÅR Ventures

VÅR Ventures established 2022, invests in companies with sustainable business solutions and technologies solving the most immediate challenges the world is facing within energy, education, and the global food system. VÅR Ventures is founded by an impact-driven team with a proven track record in sustainability, tech, finance, and venture-backed by a unique pipeline and expert network. Visit VÅR Ventures

Maersk Growth

Maersk Growth is the Venture Arm of A.P. Moller–Maersk – with the mission to digitise, democratise, and decarbonise supply chains. We invest in and partner with talented startups, scaleups, and visionary innovators. We support our portfolio companies' strategic potential and generate value for A.P. Moller-Maersk by leveraging our core capabilities – our 'ABCDE' or Assets, Brand, Customers, Data and Expertise. Visit Maersk Growth

Kvasir Technologies

Kvasir Technologies is a Danish company that has developed a game-changing technology to produce climate friendly fuel for hard to abate industries. Kvasir converts non-edible waste-based biomass into a 1:1 substitute for fossil fuel in a simple, sustainable, and scalable way. Founded in 2018 by Joachim B. Nielsen and Anders B. Kristoffersen, Kvasir is a spin-out from the Technical University of Denmark. The company runs pilot activities in Denmark and in the US and plans to build its first demo plant in Fredericia, Denmark. Visit Kvasir

Press Contacts

  • Susanne Tolstrup, Head of Communications, Kvasir Technologies, e-mail:, Mobile: +45 3172 0144
  • Anne-Louise Thon-Jensen, Partner and co-founder, VÅR Ventures, e-mail:, mobile: +45 5051 7630
  • Jane Creek, Marketing Manager, Maersk Growth, e-mail:, mobile: +45 3154 3472

Press Release in Danish

VÅR Ventures og Maersk Growth annoncerer fælles investeringsrunde i den danske tech-virksomhed Kvasir Technologies, der har udviklet en unik metode til at producere grønt brændstof

København, 27. april 2023.

Kvasir Technologies har rejst 2,15 mio. EUR fra hovedinvestor VÅR Ventures med deltagelse af Maersk Growth. Kvasir Technologies er en dansk teknologivirksomhed, der har udviklet en proprietær, banebrydende metode til at producere CO2 neutralt biobrændstof fra ikke-spiselig affaldsbaseret biomasse. Med denne investeringsrunde har Kvasir Technologies rejst næsten 7 mio. EUR i det forløbne år, herunder støtte på 2,5 mio. EUR fra Det Europæiske Innovationsråd (EIC) og forskellige andre projekttilskud. Finansieringen vil blive brugt til at fremskynde realiseringen af den lovende teknologi. Kvasir forventer at dette bliver den sidste investeringsrunde før deres serie A.

"Vi er stolte over og glade for investeringen fra VÅR Ventures og Maersk Growth, da den i den grad bekræfter tilliden til vores teknologi og cementerer dens potentiale som alternativ til fossile brændstoffer i de sektorer, der har mest brug for den. Vi ser frem til at omsætte investeringen til konkrete initiativer, mens vi fortsætter med at skalere og markedsmodne vores teknologi", siger CEO Joachim Bachmann Nielsen, CEO, medstifter og opfinder af Kvasirs teknologi.

Med FNs klimapanel og IPCC's advarsel om ´den globale opvarmnings uoprettelige påvirkning af klimaet´ i klimarapporten fra marts i år, er det mere presserende end nogensinde at udvikle, accelerere og markedsmodne alternative løsninger og teknologier, der kan erstatte fossile brændstoffer i de sektorer, der er sværest at omstille.

"Hos VÅR Ventures arbejder vi gennem vores investeringer målrettet på at bidrage til at indfri Parisaftalens mål om at begrænse den globale opvarmning. Det er kun muligt, hvis vi reducerer CO2 udledningerne hurtigt, omkostningseffektivt og bæredygtigt. Og det er netop kernen i Kvasirs teknologi, hvis ambition er at hjælpe søfarten og marineindustrien med at reducere 40 millioner tons CO2 inden 2030", siger Mette Fløe Nielsen, General Partner og medstifter af VÅR Ventures.

"Adgang til grønne brændstoffer vil spille en afgørende rolle for A.P. Møller-Mærsk og den maritime sektors evne til at nå vores emissionsmålsætninger. I Maersk Growth arbejder vi målrettet på at accelerere omstillingen til grønne brændstoffer ved at støtte nye og innovative teknologivirksomheder på vejen mod kommerciel skala. Kvasir er et godt eksempel, og vi er glade for at være med på rejsen”, siger Lasse Truels Köhler, Senior Associate hos Maersk Growth.

Skift brændstoffet. Ikke motoren.

Den Internationale Søfartsorganisation (IMO) har fastsat CO2-reduktionsmål på 40% i 2030 og 50% i 2050 for shippingindustrien. Det er en stor udfordring på grund af de begrænsede teknologier, der i øjeblikket er tilgængelige på markedet. Den udfordring tager Kvasir direkte fat på med sin løsning, som ikke kræver ombygning af eksisterende skibe eller investering i nye fartøjer, der er egnet til alternative brændstoffer.

"Med vores teknologi er det muligt at udskifte fossile brændstoffer direkte med kulstofneutrale biobrændstoffer produceret fra vores IP i fremtiden. Det gør det nemmere at dekarbonisere de mest CO2-udfordrede sektorer, for med vores løsning er det brændstoffet og ikke motoren der udskiftes. Det gør naturligvis overgangen betydeligt mere omkostningseffektiv for transportørerne, uanset om det er skibe eller fly", siger Joachim.

Foruden den maritime sektor, som Kvasirs løsning oprindeligt er rettet mod, er Kvasir i gang med at afprøve teknologien til at udvikle bæredygtige flybrændstoffer (SAF). Løsningen kan anvendes i flere sektorer, når den først er skalerbar i større produktionsanlæg.

Kvasir designer i øjeblikket sit første demonstrationsanlæg, der skal opføres i Fredericia. Anlægget får en produktionskapacitet på 2.000 liter om dagen. Når den skalerede produktion fra demo-anlægget er en succes, påbegynder Kvasir den kommercielle skalering.

Fakta om Kvasirs Technology

  • Den proprietære et-trins-proces omdanner lignocellulose til et biobrændstof, der kan erstatte fossil olie direkte med et hidtil uset højt udbytte.
  • CO2-reduktionen sker primært på to måder: (1) ved at udnytte og omdanne en bioressource, der ellers ville bidrage til drivhusgasser (f.eks. ubrugt halm), og (2) ved at fremstille et CO2-neutralt produkt, der erstatter fossile produkter (f.eks. i marine- og luftfartsindustrien).
  • En omfattende livscyklusanalyse (LCA) af Kvasirs teknologi er undervejs. Som eksempel kan nævnes, at potentialet i den maritime sektor er enormt. Den globale handelsflåde har en størrelse på over 100.000 skibe. Heraf sejler 98% stadig på fossile brændstoffer.
  • Kvasir samarbejder tæt med flere førende forskningsinstitutioner inden for biobrændstoffer, f.eks. Bioeconomy Institute på Iowa State University i USA, DTU Kemiteknik på Danmarks Tekniske Universitet og AAU Energy på Aalborg Universitet.
  • Kvasir samarbejder også med CrossBridge Energy, D/S Norden, Maersk Line og Alfa Laval.
  • Kvasir har 15 ansatte og planlægger at fordoble sin størrelse i løbet af det kommende år.
  • Kvasirs bestyrelsesmedlemmer omfatter Lars Erik Clausen, formand (tidligere CEO hos Shell og EVP hos IBM og Ørsted), og efter finansieringsrunden indtræder Mette Fløe Nielsen, General Partner hos VÅR Ventures, og Lasse Truels Köhler, Senior Associate hos Maersk Growth også i bestyrelsen.

Om virksomhederne

VÅR Ventures

VÅR Ventures, etableret i 2022, investerer i virksomheder med bæredygtige forretningsløsninger og teknologier, der løser de mest umiddelbare udfordringer verden står overfor inden for energi, uddannelse og det globale fødevaresystem. VÅR Ventures er grundlagt af et impact-drevet team med en stor erfaring inden for bæredygtighed, teknologi og finansiering, og er venture-støttet gennem en unik portefølje og et ekspertnetværk. Besøg VÅR Ventures

Maersk Growth

Maersk Growth er venturearmen i A.P. Møller-Maersk - med missionen om at digitalisere, demokratisere og dekarbonisere forsyningskæderne. Vi investerer i og samarbejder med talentfulde startups, scaleups og visionære innovatorer. Vi støtter vores porteføljevirksomheders strategiske potentiale og skaber værdi for A.P. Møller-Maersk ved at udnytte vores kernekompetencer - vores "ABCDE" eller Assets, Brand, Customers, Data og Ekspertise. Besøg Mærsk Growth

Kvasir Technologies

Kvasir Technologies er en dansk teknologivirksomhed, der har udviklet en banebrydende teknologi til at producere klimavenligt brændstof til industrier, der er vanskelige at dekarbonisere. Kvasir konverterer ikke-spiselig affaldsbaseret biomasse til en 1:1 erstatning for fossilt brændstof på en enkel, bæredygtig og skalérbar måde. Kvasir er grundlagt i 2018 af Joachim B. Nielsen og Anders B. Kristoffersen og er et spin-out fra Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Virksomheden driver pilotaktiviteter i Danmark og USA og planlægger etableringen af sit første demoanlæg i Fredericia, Danmark. Besøg Kvasir


  • Susanne Tolstrup, kommunikationschef, Kvasir Technologies, e-mail:, mobil: +45 3172 0144
  • Anne-Louise Thon-Jensen, partner og medstifter, VÅR Ventures, e-mail:, mobil: +45 5051 7630
  • Jane Creek, Marketing Manager, Maersk Growth, e-mail:, mobil: +45 3154 3472

Related links



Kvasir Technologies is a Danish company that has developed a game-changing technology to produce climate friendly fuel for hard to abate industries. Kvasir converts non-edible waste-based biomass into a 1:1 substitute for fossil fuel in a simple, sustainable, and scalable way. We offer a CO2 neutral drop-in biofuel with no switching costs or added storage cost. Our solution bolts on to the current marine fuel supply chain. This allows for full flexibility in terms of handling both existing fossil fuels and green biofuel interchangeably in a seamless transition towards complete decarbonization. Founded in 2018 by Joachim B. Nielsen and Anders B. Kristoffersen, Kvasir is a spin-out from the Technical University of Denmark. The company runs pilot activities in Denmark and in the US and plans to build its first demo plant in Fredericia, Denmark.


Birgitte Bjerregaard

Birgitte Bjerregaard

Press contact Director HR & Comms. +45 2727 6928

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Change the fuel. Not the Engine.

Kvasir Technologies is a Danish company that has developed a game-changing technology to produce climate friendly fuel for hard to abate industries. Kvasir converts non-edible waste-based biomass into a 1:1 substitute for fossil fuel in a simple, sustainable, and scalable way. We offer a CO2 neutral drop-in biofuel with no switching costs or added storage cost. Our solution bolts on to the current marine fuel supply chain. This allows for full flexibility in terms of handling both existing fossil fuels and green biofuel interchangeably in a seamless transition towards complete decarbonization. Founded in 2018 by Joachim B. Nielsen and Anders B. Kristoffersen, Kvasir is a spin-out from the Technical University of Denmark. The company runs pilot activities in Denmark and in the US and plans to build its first demo plant in Fredericia, Denmark.

Kvasir Technologies

Maskinvej 5
2860 Søborg