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Last night, Kvasir Technologies was awarded with three prizes at the 2023 New Energy Challenge award event in the Hague. Kvasir won Scale-up Category, People's Choice Award, and an exclusive ETCA membership.
Last night, Kvasir Technologies was awarded with three prizes at the 2023 New Energy Challenge award event in the Hague. Kvasir won Scale-up Category, People's Choice Award, and an exclusive ETCA membership.

Press release -

Kvasir Technologies Secures Triple Win in 2023 New Energy Challenge

Copenhagen, November 8, 2023 – Kvasir Technologies, a Danish clean-tech scale-up with pioneering technology to produce sustainable waste-based biofuel, proudly announces a remarkable triple victory in the prestigious 2023 New Energy Challenge. This renowned global competition, dedicated to startups and scale-ups in the renewable energy sector, has played a pivotal role in fostering groundbreaking solutions to address today's pressing environmental challenges.

Anders Kristoffersen, Co-founder and COO of Kvasir Technologies, expressed his gratitude for this remarkable achievement after the winners were announced at a festive event in The Hague late last night. He stated, 'We embarked on this journey with pride and gratitude as one of the top 10 finalists. Today, we are over the moon and honored to claim a triple win in the Scale-up Category, People's Choice Award, and an exclusive ETCA membership. This recognition is a strong testament to our team's dedication and hard work.'"

It is Kvasir Technologies' mission to push the boundaries of climate-friendly innovation and drive the adoption of sustainable fuels in hard-to-abate sectors like the marine industry with its pioneering technology. Co-founder and CEO Joachim Bachmann Nielsen conceived the core technology during his PhD research and has meticulously refined it over the past 12 years. In 2018, he and co-founder Anders, who brings 15 years of experience in shipping and energy trading, joined forces to establish Kvasir Technologies. Their combined expertise and industry insights provide a robust foundation for the company's success so far.

“This is significant for us. Our technology has demonstrated the ability to replace fossil fuel oil in the shipping industry, without the need for costly vessel retrofitting or new fleet investments. Winning the NEC competition is therefore hugely valuable for us as we scale and prepare commercialization of our biofuel - pushing the boundaries towards a greener tomorrow," Bachmann Nielsen said.

The ETCA membership, is an exclusive privilege for Kvasir Technologies as it offers a unique opportunity to collaborate with global energy leader Shell, on advancing energy transition research and development.

In addition, alongside Kvasir Technologies, Freetilizer, a visionary organic fertilizer producer, also emerged as a winner in the startup category. Freetilizer's innovation revolves around converting organic by-products into high-quality organic fertilizers within 24 hours.

Geert van de Wouw, Managing Director of Shell Ventures and president of the New Energy Challenge jury, commented, “Each participant has presented promising solutions that could contribute to a more sustainable energy future. Collaborating with startups is a cornerstone of innovation and growth in today's dynamic business landscape. We recognize the importance of supporting emerging startups, their innovative ideas need a stage and investments to flourish and become scalable. Finding a match with corporates is often complicated, this is where programs like the New Energy Challenge play an important role. We look forward to further working with the winners."

Kvasir Technologies' success in the 2023 New Energy Challenge reflects its commitment to revolutionizing the renewable energy landscape and advancing sustainable solutions for a greener future.

About the New Energy Challenge: The New Energy Challenge, is a competition for startups and scaleups in renewable energy, jointly organized by Rockstart, Shell, Unknown Group, and YES!Delft. The New Energy Challenge is a platform known for propelling promising ventures toward success. Its mission is to nurture innovations that drive the adoption of sustainable energy, making the world a greener and better place. Read the winner announcement and explore the NEC website.

About Kvasir Technologies: Kvasir Technologies, established in 2018 as a spin-out from the Technical University of Denmark, is a Danish clean-tech company specializing in innovative biofuel production. Our technology converts non-edible waste-based biomass into a 1:1 substitute for fossil fuel in a simple, sustainable, and scalable way. We offer a CO2-neutral drop-in biofuel with no switching costs or added storage cost. With a dedicated team of experts, we are committed to advancing sustainable energy solutions. For more information about Kvasir Technologies and its pioneering biofuel technology, visit the website.

About Freetilizer: Freetilizer is an innovative Portuguese company that utilizes enzymatic hydrolysis in a controlled reactor to convert organic byproducts into stable and nutrient-rich solid and liquid organic fertilizers within 24 hours. This approach reduces operational costs, eliminates waste, and generates valuable fertilizers, aligning with circular economy goals and providing a profitable solution for manure management, visit the website.

In Danish below:


Kvasir Technologies vinder tredobbelt pris
i ’2023 New Energy Challenge" - en global konkurrence for grønne start- og scaleups

København, 8. november 2023 - Kvasir Technologies, en dansk clean-tech scale-up med en banebrydende teknologi der kan producere bæredygtig biomassebaseret biobrændstof har vundet en bemærkelsesværdig tredobbelt sejr i den prestigefyldte 2023 New Energy Challenge. Den anerkendte globale konkurrence, der er dedikeret startups og scale-ups inden for den vedvarende energisektor, spiller en afgørende rolle i at fremme banebrydende løsninger til at tackle verdens presserende klima- og miljøudfordringer.

Anders Kristoffersen, medstifter og COO i Kvasir Technologies, er taknemmelighed for den bemærkelsesværdige præstation. Efter vinderne blev annonceret ved en festlig begivenhed i Haag sent i går aftes, sagde han: "Vi startede med stolthed og taknemmelighed som en af de ti bedste finalister ud af mange grønne virksomheder. I dag er vi ovenud glade og beærede over at vinde hele tre priser - Scale-up kategorien, People's Choice Award og et eksklusivt ETCA-medlemskab. Det er et stærkt vidnesbyrd om vores teams dedikation og hårde arbejde."

Med sin banebrydende teknologi, er det Kvasir Technologies' mission at udfordre grænserne for klimavenlig innovation og fremme anvendelsen af bæredygtige brændstoffer i sektorer, der er vanskelige at omstille, som f.eks. marineindustrien. Medstifter og CEO Joachim Bachmann Nielsen udtænkte kerneteknologien under sin ph.d.-forskning og har arbejdet med at videreudvikle den i løbet af de seneste 12 år. I 2018 gik han og medstifteren Anders, der har 15 års erfaring inden for shipping og energihandel, sammen om at etablere Kvasir Technologies. Deres kombinerede ekspertise og brancheindsigt udgør et solidt fundament for virksomhedens hidtidige succes.

"Anerkendelsen her er virkelig vigtig for os. Vores teknologi har vist, at den kan erstatte fossilt brændsel i shippingindustrien, uden at det er nødvendigt med dyre ombygninger eller nye investeringer i nye skibe. At vinde NEC-konkurrencen er derfor enormt værdifuldt for os, når vi skal skalere og forberede kommercialiseringen af vores biobrændstof - og dermed bidrage til at skabe en grønnere fremtid," siger Bachmann Nielsen.

ETCA-medlemskabet er et eksklusivt privilegium for Kvasir Technologies, fordi det giver en enestående mulighed for at samarbejde med den globale energileder Shell om at fremme forskning og udvikling inden for energiomstillingen.

Ud over Kvasir Technologies blev Freetilizer, en visionær portugisisk producent af organisk gødning, også vinder i kategorien ’start-ups’. Freetilizers innovation går ud på at omdanne organiske biprodukter til kvalitetsorganisk gødning inden for 24 timer.

Geert van de Wouw, administrerende direktør for Shell Ventures og formand for dommerpanelet i New Energy Challenge, udtalte: "Hver af deltagerne har præsenteret lovende løsninger, der kan bidrage til en mere bæredygtig energifremtid. Samarbejde med startups er en hjørnesten for innovation og vækst i nutidens dynamiske forretningslandskab. Vi anerkender vigtigheden af at støtte nye startups, deres innovative ideer har brug for en scene og investeringer for at blomstre og blive skalerbare. At finde et match med virksomheder er ofte kompliceret, og det er her, at programmer som New Energy Challenge spiller en vigtig rolle. Vi ser frem til at arbejde videre med vinderne."

Kvasir Technologies' succes i 2023 New Energy Challenge afspejler virksomhedens engagement i at revolutionere den vedvarende energisektor og fremme bæredygtige løsninger for en grønnere fremtid.

Om New Energy Challenge: New Energy Challenge er en konkurrence for startups og scale-ups inden for vedvarende energi, som er fælles arrangeret af Rockstart, Shell, Unknown Group and YES!Delft. New Energy Challenge er kendt for at hjælpe lovende virksomheder på vej mod succes. Dens mission er at fremme innovationer, der fremmer anvendelsen af bæredygtig energi og gør verden grønnere og bedre. Læs om vinderne og udforsk NEC's hjemmeside.

Om Kvasir Technologies: Kvasir Technologies, etableret i 2018 som spin-out fra Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU, er en dansk clean-tech-virksomhed, der specialiserer sig i at producere innovativt biobrændstof. Kvasir’s teknologi omdanner biomassebaseret, ikke-spiseligt affald til en 1:1 erstatning for fossilbrændstof på en enkel, bæredygtig og skalerbar måde. Løsningen er et CO2-neutralt drop-in biobrændstof uden omkostninger til omstilling eller ekstra lageromkostninger. Med et dedikeret team af eksperter arbejder Kvasir på at fremme udviklingen af bæredygtige energiløsninger. For mere information om Kvasir Technologies og vores banebrydende biobrændstofteknologi, besøg Kvasir Technologies hjemmeside.

Om Freetilizer: Freetilizer er en innovativ portugisisk virksomhed, der anvender enzymatisk hydrolyse i en kontrolleret reaktor til at omdanne organiske biprodukter til stabile og næringsrige faste og flydende organisk gødning inden for 24 timer. Denne tilgang reducerer driftsomkostninger, eliminerer affald og genererer værdifuld gødning, hvilket er i overensstemmelse med målene om cirkulær økonomi og giver en profitabel løsning til håndtering af husdyrgødning. Besøg Freetilizers hjemmeside.

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Kvasir Technologies is a Danish company that has developed a game-changing technology to produce climate-friendly fuel for hard-to-abate industries. Kvasir converts non-edible waste-based biomass into a 1:1 substitute for fossil fuel in a simple, sustainable, and scalable way. We offer a CO2 neutral drop-in biofuel with no switching costs or added storage costs. Our solution bolts onto the current marine fuel supply chain. This allows for full flexibility in terms of handling both existing fossil fuels and green biofuel interchangeably in a seamless transition toward complete decarbonization. Founded in 2018 by Joachim B. Nielsen and Anders B. Kristoffersen, Kvasir is a spin-out from the Technical University of Denmark. The company runs pilot activities in Denmark and in the US and plans to build its first demo plant in Fredericia, Denmark.


Birgitte Bjerregaard

Birgitte Bjerregaard

Press contact Director HR & Comms. +45 2727 6928

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Kvasir Technologies is a Danish company that has developed a game-changing technology to produce climate friendly fuel for hard to abate industries. Kvasir converts non-edible waste-based biomass into a 1:1 substitute for fossil fuel in a simple, sustainable, and scalable way. We offer a CO2 neutral drop-in biofuel with no switching costs or added storage cost. Our solution bolts on to the current marine fuel supply chain. This allows for full flexibility in terms of handling both existing fossil fuels and green biofuel interchangeably in a seamless transition towards complete decarbonization. Founded in 2018 by Joachim B. Nielsen and Anders B. Kristoffersen, Kvasir is a spin-out from the Technical University of Denmark. The company runs pilot activities in Denmark and in the US and plans to build its first demo plant in Fredericia, Denmark.

Kvasir Technologies

Maskinvej 5
2860 Søborg