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Ingram Micro is selected as Distribution Partner for Vestel Visual Solutions in the Nordic Region

Vestel Visual Solutions, a subsidiary within the Zorlu Group, is a leading global manufacturer of professional display solutions. Solutions that help digitally transform organizations within the corporate, retail, education, and hospitality sectors.

To support its continued market growth and development in the Nordic Region, Vestel Visual Solutions, and the world´s number one technology distributor and market leader in Sweden, Ingram Micro, are engaging in a distribution partnership across the Nordic Region.

Through this partnership, Vestel Visual Solutions aims to significantly expand its partner network with existing and new Ingram Micro reseller partners as well as reaffirm its commitment to the Nordic Region. The partnership offers Ingram Micro resellers within the business area Speciality Solutions, access to Vestel's large format display portfolio. A market leading portfolio that includes:

  • Digital Signage Displays and Accessories
  • Interactive Flat Panel Displays, IFPD
  • LCD Video Walls
  • LED Walls

“The last 10 years our market growth has been significant. We have chosen to partner with Ingram Micro to continue this growth journey. A partnership that will enable the distribution of our product portfolio to current and new resellers across the Nordic Region and EMEA. We are very much looking forward to seeing where this mutual journey will take us”, says Martin Romanovski, EMEA Business Development Director Vestel HQ at Vestel Visual Solutions.

The Ingram Micro Speciality Solutions line-of-business area incorporates the Ingram Micro reseller offering within the product and solution areas DCPOS, Physical Security, UCC and ProAV/Digital Signage.

"We are happy to add another world leading brand to our Speciality Solutions business area here in the Nordic Region. Combining our market knowledge and extensive network of resellers with Vestel’s portfolio of large format display solutions enables our reseller partners to take their customers digital transformation development to new levels, says Lasse Bjørnestad, Nordic & Baltic Lead, Speciality Solutions, Ingram Micro.

“And in a growing market segment, partnering up with a vendor such as Vestel Visual Solutions with their market growth track record, offers our resellers a competitive advantage and unique business opportunity!”

About Ingram Micro

Ingram Micro is the world´s number one technology distributor and the market leader in Sweden. A modern, business enabling, and value-add focused technology distributor that is at the center of the technology industry. Our vision is to change the world around us through the distribution of technology. To achieve this, we make opportunities come alive for people and businesses every single day by realizing the promise of technology. Our Nordic core values are “Passion for Business”, Trustworthy” and “Positivity”.

Ingram Micro AB in Sweden is part of Ingram Micro Nordic organization with six offices in four countries, 350 employees and an annual revenue exceeding $1.3B. Business areas include Advanced Solutions, Speciality, Cloud, Core IT and Mobility. Find more information at www.ingrammicro.com.

About Vestel Visual Solutions

Vestel is a part of Zorlu group with over 57 companies and approximately 23,000 Employees. Zorlu Group, a public company since 1993, offers solutions within the Textile, Energy, Property and Mining industries. Vestel City with over 15,000 employees is one of the largest factories in the world.

Vestel Visual Solutions manufacture Consumer Electronics, Household Appliances, Visual Solutions, EV Charging Solutions, Battery Solutions, Water Heaters, and Air Conditioners. Find more information at www.vestelvisualsolutions.com/eu/corporate.

Press Contact

Michael Gorringe, Head of Marketing and Communications

Ingram Micro Nordic

+46-70-262 20 02



Ingram Micro Danmark er en førende distributør af IT og Telecom. Vi repræsenterer et stort udvalg af koncernens globale forretningsområder såsom; Technology Solutions, Mobilitet, Cloud, og Lifecycle Services. Og tilbyder fleksibel, omkostningseffektive og innovative løsninger i produktethåndtering, softwarekonfiguration, e-handel og tredjeparts logistik.

Nordens største totalleverandør på IT og telekom

Med den globale infrastruktur og med fokus på Cloud, logistik, mobility og teknologiske løsninger arbejder Ingram Micro Danmark for, at vores partnere får de rigtige værktøjer og støtte til at drive forretningen mere vellykket. Ligegyldigt hvilket marked, vores partnere opererer i, eller hvor i verden de opererer.

Ingram Micro blev grundlagt i 1979 og har over 35 år har været en anerkendt markedsleder i sin branche, som leverer verdensklasse løsninger til kunder i hele verden. Vores succes er baseret på innovation og en konstant stræben efter at levere bedre værdi og vækst for vores kunder. I dag, er der ingen anden virksomhed i verden, der leverer en lige så bred og dyb vifte af teknologiprodukter og serviceydelser.

Ingram Micro Danmark er en førende distributør af IT og Telecom. Vi repræsenterer et stort udvalg af koncernens globale forretningsområder såsom; Technology Solutions, Mobilitet, Cloud, og Lifecycle Services. Og tilbyder fleksibel, omkostningseffektive og innovative løsninger i produktethåndtering, softwarekonfiguration, e-handel og tredjeparts logistik.

Vores salgskontorer kan findes i København og Kolding og vores Nordiske distributionscentre ligger henholdsvis i Stockholm.

Ingram Micro

Kolding Åpark 1, 1.sal
6000 Kolding

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