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Sofia Björnerfors

Sofia Björnerfors

Pressekontakt Press contact Huawei Consumer Group Nordic +46 (0)739 205 405

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About Huawei

Huawei's products and services are available in more than 170 countries and are used by a third of the world's population. Fourteen R&D centers have been set up in countries around the world with several in the Nordics. Huawei Consumer BG is one of Huawei's three business units and covers wearables, audio, PC, tablets, smartphones and cloud services, etc. Huawei's global network is built on over 30 years of expertise in the telecom industry and is dedicated to delivering the latest technological advances to consumers around the world.

Huawei Danmark Consumer

Gustav III:s Boulevard 50A
169 74 Solna

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