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Whatever you do, there's a Hilti laser for you

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Whatever you do, there's a Hilti laser for you

My name is Agnieszka Gajek. I am the Product Manager developing the Hilti Measuring Systems segment in Northern Europe.

The Hilti measuring portfolio includes a wide range of lasers from your everyday ‘bread-and-butter’ palm lasers right up to complex scanning systems filled with cutting-edge technology. Basically, whatever you do, there’s a Hilti laser for you!

Our customers appreciate our products as they’re simple and easy-to-use but can also significantly increase productivity at every stage of a measuring task.

It is with a great pleasure I found out yesterday that the investment we’ve made in technology and innovation in Hilti measuring has also been recognized by the iF Design Awards Jury. The 2017 award was based on feedback from 59 countries assessing design, ergonomics, innovation, product quality and functionality. In such a context our PD-C – the first ‘smart’ distance meter – won in the category ‘Communication Design’.

It makes me very proud to be the one who launched this innovative solution in Northern Europe. First of all, it simply feels great to participate in the trend setting of best innovative standards in the building construction area.

Connectivity, BIM, mobility – these are not just dry theoretical terms any more. Through or innovations, we help to make the building construction world really connected and integrated. Smart, in a simple way.

Secondly, I really enjoy seeing the amused customers’ faces when we show how PD-C saves their time and minimizes the risk of errors by taking the measurements and transferring the data automatically.

And last but not least, the Design Award 2017 makes an awesome time loop in the history of distance measuring technology at Hilti. It was exactly in 1997 – 20 years ago – when we launched our very first distance meter the PD 10.

Since then laser and mobile technology has made a gigantic jump towards the modern integrated environment. Almost every process today is being pushed to happen faster, be more precise, without capacity restrictions and done in a lean way.

Does this sound familiar?To save time, save materials and save our nerves. This is exactly what PD-C was designed for.

The Communication Design award for me is a clear signal from the market that we, in Hilti, are going in the right direction and fires us up with even more enthusiasm to invest further in the innovative and smart future.

Watch this space for the next revelation in Hilti measuring technology, we’ve got a few more up our sleeves to come very shortly!

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Andreas Juncker Mortensen

Andreas Juncker Mortensen

Pressekontakt Strategic Marketing Manager +45 25 61 31 41 Hilti Danmark

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