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Zentropa Unveils New Documentary Division

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Zentropa Unveils New Documentary Division

The award-winning documentary filmmaker Nicole Horanyi will head Zentropa’s new film initiative, Zentropa Documentary, which aims to develop and produce documentary content in all formats.

Zentropa proudly announces the appointment of acclaimed documentary filmmaker and producer Nicole Horanyi to lead its new documentary film venture, Zentropa Documentary. With a mandate to create a diverse array of artistically compelling documentaries, Zentropa Documentary aims to captivate audiences across cinemas, television networks, and streaming platforms worldwide.

Horanyi brings a wealth of experience to Zentropa Documentary, ensuring the production of high-quality documentaries that resonate both creatively and commercially. She has directed a series of notable documentaries and series, including Motley’s Law (2015) on DR (Danish Broadcasting Corporation), A Stranger Moves In (2017) on TV 2 Denmark, and Natascha Kampusch – A Lifetime in Prison (2022) on Viaplay.

In addition, Horanyi served as Head of Documentaries at Viaplay in 2022 and 2023, overseeing the streaming service's documentary efforts across all markets (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Poland, and the Netherlands). During her tenure, she was responsible for producing compelling documentaries such as The Danish Prime Minister: Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Most Remote Restaurant in the World, and Max Verstappen – Anatomy of a Champion.

Nicole Horanyi has recently joined Zentropa and is eager to begin her new role:

‘I am tremendously happy to step into this exceptional institution. Zentropa possesses a truly unique quality and a very strong brand; therefore, I am convinced that together, we can open doors for the best documentary filmmakers in the industry. We share a vision of creating broad, audience-oriented documentary productions grounded in solid artistic principles. I am passionate about developing modern and complex narratives about reality that set a national agenda and leave a lasting impact on society. I will collaborate with directors who dare to take a stand, push the boundaries of the genre, and tell stories with great originality. Together, we can create documentary formats that appeal to a wide audience and inspire reflection and action.’

Zentropa has long been contemplating a stronger commitment to the documentary genre, and this new appointment marks the realization of the production powerhouse’s strategic plans. Producers Sisse Graum Jørgensen and Louise Vesth, part of Zentropa’s management team, elaborate:

‘In today’s world, fostering dialogue, community and understanding is crucial for shaping the world we live in. Documentary filmmaking is one of the strongest tools we have to achieve this. At Zentropa, we aim to develop and produce authentic stories in collaboration with strong artistic talents who aspire to reach broad audiences – both nationally and internationally. Already distributing feature films and series worldwide, we also seek to contribute to Denmark's impressive position in documentary film and series production. Through documentaries, Danish cinema and television engage closely with current political and human agendas. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that the realities we portray are as nuanced, credible, and diverse as possible. Recognising the global demand for compelling documentary content, and in alignment with our commitment to expanding our international reach, we are hiring Nicole Horanyi, a seasoned director and producer of numerous documentaries and series. Her ability to identify compelling storytellers and convey narratives to wide audiences aligns perfectly with Zentropa's profile. Nicole is the ideal person to develop and produce documentaries at Zentropa.’

Susan Wendt, Managing Director of TrustNordisk, also shares her enthusiasm for this new venture:

‘We are excited about Zentropa’s expansion into the documentary genre. This venture enhances our portfolio, especially within documentaries, that deliver powerful storytelling to global audiences. We look forward to incorporating this new addition and bringing it to the international market.’

Zentropa Documentary is launching now, and the first titles are expected to be ready for presentation within the next year.

For further information, please contact:

HAVE Kommunikation
Michael Feder
Email: michael@have.dk
Mobile: +45 22434942



Michael Feder

Michael Feder

Pressekontakt Adm. direktør +45 2243 4942

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HAVE Kommunikation

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