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Fotokreditering: Francesco Martello
Fotokreditering: Francesco Martello

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From local to global: Copenhagen Photo Festival celebrates 15th anniversary

The largest photo festival in the Nordics, Copenhagen Photo Festival, invites you to its 15th anniversary from 6 to 16 June celebrating the theme 'Entanglement'. The celebration has a special focus on cohesion and community and pays tribute to the festival's many co-creative contributors and not least the way the public interacts with photography.

This year the Nordics' largest photo festival, Copenhagen Photo Festival marks its 15 years and the anniversary is celebrated with the theme 'Entanglement'.

"The Copenhagen Photo Festival has gone through an exciting development. From primarily being a local event to today also being one of Northern Europe's largest, which attracts photo artists and guests from all over the world due to its unique outdoor format and sustainable ambitions," says festival director Maja Dyrehauge Gregersen and continues:

"I am looking forward to marking the 15th anniversary with the theme 'Entanglement' and celebrating our connectedness to the many contributors who shape the festival experience every year. The theme refers to how we are interconnected across time, distance and conditions, but also how the festival as a platform is connected to its many contributors – and works all year round to convey and promote camera-based art and photography for the benefit of photo actors and the public.”

Thus, 2024 is characterized by community, with both more audience-involving initiatives and more activities that build bridges between the exhibiting photographers and forge closer ties between the festival's institutional partners.

A unique international art experience that is gaining national recognition
Over the years, the Copenhagen Photo Festival has been in continuous development. Since 2016, the festival has sharpened its international focus and through an 'open call' attracted photographers to Denmark from all over the world. This year, the festival thus received a total of 639 applications from no less than 68 countries.

Since 2019, the festival has made a virtue of utilizing its unconventional exhibition framework on B&W's old bedding on Refshaleøen and refined the festival format in a pioneering way. In the middle of the raw urban wilderness, the festival creates a sensuous art experience every year in just 11 days that cannot be experienced anywhere else.

Here urban nature is combined with photography, workshops, events and parties for the joy of photography enthusiasts as well as the general public. Precisely this special combination of international photography, unconventional exhibition space and sustainability today attracts people from all over the world.

The efforts have also been noticed in Denmark, and the Copenhagen Photo Festival is, among other things, nominated for 'The City's Best Experience' by AOK Berlingske in 2022 and for 'Fotogratula – Danish Photographer's Honor Award' in both 2018 and 2021.

Expected number of visitors of 50,000
This year the festival will be held from 6 to 16 June, and it is expected that around 50,000 people will visit the anniversary edition of the Copenhagen Photo Festival.

The overall program of Danish and foreign festival partners consists of museums, art galleries and photo schools distributed over Copenhagen and southern Sweden.

Read more about Copenhagen Photo Festival Copenhagen Photo Festival.

Best regards,
HAVE Kommunikation

For more information, please contact:
Sara Jeppesen · sara@have.dk · 00 45 22 41 00 48
Maya Fernel · maya@have.dk · 00 45 40 15 35 51
Christine Almlund · press@copenhagenphotofestival.com · 00 45 31 37 72 23

About Copenhagen Photo Festival
From 6 to16 June 2024, the Nordics' largest photo festival celebrates its 15th anniversary. The festival is held in close collaboration with galleries, museums and cultural institutions in Copenhagen and southern Sweden. Each year, established and budding Danish and foreign photographers contribute, and the festival is expected to be visited by approx. 50,000 people. This year, the festival puts photography on the agenda under the theme 'Entanglement' via exhibitions, workshops, talks, portfolio reviews and social events.



Michael Feder

Michael Feder

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Anja Linnet

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Om os

For os handler kommunikation ikke blot om at råbe højt, eller om for enhver pris at trænge igennem lydmuren i et tiltagende kaotisk mediebillede.

For os handler kommunikation om troværdighed. Om substans. Om at sætte dagsordener. Inden for kulturens verden, i erhvervslivet, i politisk sammenhæng – og i samfundet som helhed.

Vi favner bredt i vores opgaveportefølje, og vores spidskompetencer ligger inden for udvikling af storytelling, strategisk udvikling af brands, oplevelsesbaseret kommunikation og den direkte kontakt med medierne.

Tre årtiers erfaring har gjort os til et af Skandinaviens førende kommunikationsbureauer, og på årsbasis gennemfører vi 150 projekter.

Vi kvalificerer vores samarbejdspartneres historier og sikrer dem gennemslagskraft i offentligheden. Vi folkeliggør substansen, og vi sikrer mediernes interesse for både det brede og det smalle. Vi navigerer sikkert og målrettet gennem medielandskabet, og vi er garant for synlighed, der skaber merværdi – og gør en forskel.

HAVE Kommunikation

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2200 København N