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Brønnum presents Soul Sessions with Ken Linh Doky, Ida Astrid & Claudio Suriano

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Brønnum presents Soul Sessions with Ken Linh Doky, Ida Astrid & Claudio Suriano

Brønnum proudly presents, in association with the Niels Lan Doky International Jazz Collective, a weekly concept called “Soul Sessions”, headed by pianist Ken Linh Doky and featuring vocalist Ida Astrid and Italian guitarist Claudio Suriano.

“Soul Sessions” was a highly popular concept at the now defunct The Standard Jazz Club back in 2014-2018, where Ken Linh Doky performed regular late night intimate duo concerts under that title with various vocalists from the international scene, such as Camille Sledge and Leandra McNair among others.

Pianist, producer and music director Ken Linh Doky lives in Paris where he works with Aya Nakamura (the #1 pop artist in France) as well as with several members of Madonna's live band. Following studies at Berklee College Of Music in Boston, Ken has established a reputation among musicians around the world as an artist of unique talent and professionalism. Son of the award-winning and internationally renowned pianist, composer and producer Niels Lan Doky, Ken was raised in the midst of his dad’s recording sessions and concert performances with the biggest icons in jazz. With influences ranging from Oscar Peterson to Kendrick Lamar and Erykah Badu, Ken has a style of his own which contains elements of jazz, hip hop, soul and gospel. Ida Astrid divides her time between Copenhagen and Los Angeles and her compelling and soulful voice is one of the strongest and most versatile in Denmark. The line-up is rounded up by the Italian jazz guitarist, Claudio Suriano, as Ken's and Ida's new guest artist following two memorable weeks with the great French trumpet player Hugues Morisset. Together they will perform a program of their jazz influenced interpretations of songs of artists such as Amy Winehouse, Alicia Keys, Aretha Franklin and others.

Practical info:
Dates: October 21st, October 28th and November 4th 2021
Time: 18.00-19.00 and 20.00-21.00
Ticket price: 245 DKK
Tickets: https://www.bronnumcph.dk/events-2/

For more information, please contact:
Sidsel Vita // sidsel@bronnumcph.dk // +45 26 71 73 12




Peter Pishai Storgaard

Peter Pishai Storgaard

Pressekontakt Seniorrådgiver

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