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ARoS announces its vision for the next 10 years

ARoS Director Rebecca Matthews presents ARoS Vision 2033 and lays out the framework for braver, bolder, more connected, and inclusive museum. The ambition is to heighten the artistic agenda and double the visitor numbers.

ARoS Vision 2033 is the first long-term strategic plan for the museum, and it is the result of several months of work and extensive internal and external consulting.

ARoS is working towards a future for the museum that is artistically dynamic and adventurous, culturally inclusive, financially and environmentally sustainable, locally and globally connected and delivered by a thriving, high-performing team.

“The launch of ARoS Vision 2033 sets a new standard for the work we will focus on over the next 10 years. The vision is ambitious and inspiring, and focuses on new key priorities for our artistic, professional and social commitments, as well as enhancing our visitors’ experience”, says Museum Director and CEO Rebecca Matthews.

Vision 2033 consists of eight strategic pillars with accompanying ambitions, excerpts of which are presented here:

  • Artistic vibrancy
    ARoS should lead the way when it comes to era-defining and critically engaged art, as well as establishing a space for personal and collective connectedness – to the art, to the most important questions of our time, to each other, and to new creative experiences. Visitors should be presented with the most significant artists in the world – from past and present – and the exhibitions should contain a broad spectrum of art across creative disciplines, from architecture, design and crafts to film, performance, sound, music, and movement. Additionally, ARoS will present seven blockbuster exhibitions through partnerships with seven of the world’s leading museums.
  • More visitors and enhanced community outreach
    ARoS should be more open and welcoming – a museum for everyone. ARoS will double the number of people who buy tickets, bringing the number to a million paying visitors a year. This will happen through new activities, new spaces, a new identity, and by making the museum’s own collection available online. The ambition is that 2.5 million people will visit ARoS’ facilities, indoors or outdoors.
  • Activation of our art collection
    ARoS will renew its focus on the museum’s own art collection. This will happen by increasing the overall quality and reputation of the collection through deep pockets of specializaton, by increasing its visibility, and by ensuring its long-term care and research potential. Additionally, the museum will create an entirely new rehang of Levels 6 and 8 in 2026 and will develop its own touring exhibitions to share with the world.
  • Economic growth and financial security
    ARoS will increase its fundraising for exhibitions by 100 percent and establish a capital of DKK 20 million. Additionally, new Patron programmes should be established
  • High job satisfaction and professionalism among all employees
    ARoS will have a healthy, thriving, high-performance culture the permeates all areas of the organization and harnesses the team behind a shared strategy
  • Heightened collaboration and partnerships
    ARoS will maximize local, regional, national, and international partnerships, collaborations, and connections to create closer and longer-term relationships
  • Expanded and well-maintained physical spaces
    In 2025, ARoS will open its doors to its expansion ‘The Next Level’, which has the artwork ‘The Dome a Skyspace by James Turrell’ as its crown jewel. A once-in-a-generation transformation
  • Sustainability as a driving force
    ARoS will take better care of our world and the environment by reducing its CO2 emissions by 50 percent and by demonstrating green leadership within the museum and gallery sector.

“An essential part of the work on the vision plan has been my dialogue with national and international stakeholders: Cultural personalities and experts, businesspeople, politicians, our guests, members, sponsors, and of course ARoS colleagues. Everyone has contributed important thoughts and inputs that ARoS will develop over the next ten years,” Rebecca Matthews says, adding:

“With this new vision, we challenge ourselves to grow and reach higher, so that we fulfill our vision to be a truly international museum driven by art, inspired by creative ideas, and providing unique cultural encounters for everyone”.

Read ARoS Vision 2033 here.

For more information, contact
Astrid Ildor
Press- and Communicationmanager
+45 61904942 / asil@aros.dk



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For os handler kommunikation ikke blot om at råbe højt, eller om for enhver pris at trænge igennem lydmuren i et tiltagende kaotisk mediebillede.

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Vi favner bredt i vores opgaveportefølje, og vores spidskompetencer ligger inden for udvikling af storytelling, strategisk udvikling af brands, oplevelsesbaseret kommunikation og den direkte kontakt med medierne.

Tre årtiers erfaring har gjort os til et af Skandinaviens førende kommunikationsbureauer, og på årsbasis gennemfører vi 150 projekter.

Vi kvalificerer vores samarbejdspartneres historier og sikrer dem gennemslagskraft i offentligheden. Vi folkeliggør substansen, og vi sikrer mediernes interesse for både det brede og det smalle. Vi navigerer sikkert og målrettet gennem medielandskabet, og vi er garant for synlighed, der skaber merværdi – og gør en forskel.

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