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Dunlop tyre fitted with RFID chip
Dunlop tyre fitted with RFID chip

Pressemeddelelse -

RFID - Radio Frequency Identification Device – providing live tyre information for LM24

Motorsport has seen technology used to make the sport more accessible to viewers and spectators – this year will see the Le Mans 24 Hours enhanced by the availability of tyre information during the race.

During the race, the organisers (the ACO) will be able to access and broadcast the tyre choice and number of stints completed on each set of tyres for the teams competing in the endurance epic. With tyre strategies forming a fundamental part of the race, the information will increase viewer knowledge and increase the excitement as 60 teams battle for the wins and podiums.

Dunlop has been instrumental in the development and introduction of RFID over the last decade, being the first tyre manufacturer to introduce the technology in motorsport. The technology has been in place since 2008 when Dunlop worked with TOCA, the organiser for the British Touring Car Championship, to create and implement a system to make monitoring tyre use to meet regulations much easier. Six years later the system was introduced into sportscars, with 2015 being the first full season when the technology was used to aid tyre control.

This is the third generation of Dunlop’s RFID software being used; this current version enables reading the RFID chips from greater distances, guaranteed accuracy and more detailed information for data use and analysis.

In addition to providing information to viewers, RFID provides a cost effective way of managing availability and use given the thousands of tyres involved. It also provides a security feature – the chip embedded in the tyre can’t be removed like a barcode.

Dunlop’s Mike McGregor explains more in the video here.

The Le Mans 24 Hours starts at 3pm CEST on Saturday 17th June.

Entry list including Dunlop teams can be found here.


FIA World Endurance Championship – Le Mans 24 Hours
LMP2 – Set specification (soft, medium, medium-plus, intermediate, wet)

Open tyre competition

22 out of 25 entries have chosen Dunlop

Three dry specifications permitted plus intermediate and wet specifications

Dry weather tyres permitted:

Free practice & Qualifying: 28

Race: 56

Additional at any time: 4

LMGTE– Pro & Am: Set specification (soft, medium, medium-plus, intermediate, wet)

2 out of 13 LM GTE Pro entries have chosen Dunlop

7 out of 16 LM GTE Am entries have chosen Dunlop

Three dry specifications permitted plus intermediate and wet specifications

Dry weather tyres permitted:

Free practice & Qualifying: 32

Race: 60

Additional at any time: 4

General regulations

  • Wet tyre use only permitted when Race Director declares a wet track – wet tyre use unlimited.
  • Penalty for breach of tyre regulation: 3 minute Stop and Go.
  • Tyres used for pits to start grid not included in allocation.
  • Tyres considered for allocation of tyres for the race will be counted from the start of the race.

Related links



Goodyear Dunlop Nordic er en forretningsenhed, der består af otte lande i Baltikum og Norden, med hovedkontor i Stockholm. Goodyear Dunlop Nordic har ca. 140 medarbejdere, og en del af produkttestaktiviteterne er placeret i det nordlige Finland og Sverige. Goodyear- er en af verdens største dækproducenter. Virksomheden beskæftiger ca. 66.000 personer og producerer sine produkter på mere end 48 fabrikker fordelt på 21 lande over hele verden. Dunlop- er en af verdens førende producenter af High Performance- og Ultra High Performance-dæk med en imponerende sejrsrække inden for motorsportern. Dunlops store erfaring inden for racerløb har medført innovative teknologier for dæk udviklet til hverdagsbrug. Samt Fulda, Sava, Kelly och Debica.

Yderligere oplysninger om Goodyear finder du på Goodyear www.goodyear.dkYderligere oplysninger om Dunlop finder du på www.dunlop-tires.dk ellerwww.dunlopmotorcycle.eu.


Jenny Wahlsten

Jenny Wahlsten

Pressekontakt Group Communications Manager Nordic +46 70 203 30 23

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Goodyear er en af verdens største dækproducenter. Goodyear beskæftiger omkring 71.000 personer og har 55 produktionssteder i 22 lande verden over. Virksomhedens to innovationscentre i Akron, Ohio og Colmar-Berg i Luxembourg arbejder målrettet på at udvikle state-of-the-art-produkter og tjenester, der sætter standarden for teknologi og performance i industrien. For yderligere oplysninger om Goodyear og virksomhedens produkter, se www.goodyear.com/corporate.