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Statement : On Very High Royal Instructions, Humanitarian Medical Aid Operation Deployed for Gaza Population

Statement : On Very High Royal Instructions, Humanitarian Medical Aid Operation Deployed for Gaza Population

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, has given His Very High Instructions to deploy a humanitarian medical aid operation for the Palestinian population of Gaza.
This aid, ordered by His Majesty the King, may God assist Him, consists of 40 tonnes of medical products containing, in particular, equipment for treating burns and surgical and traumatolo

HM the King of Morocco Receives Phone Call from U.S. President extending his personal condolences

HM the King of Morocco Receives Phone Call from U.S. President extending his personal condolences

Rabat, 18/09/2023 (MAP) - HM King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, received today a phone call from the President of the United States of America, Joseph R. Biden.

During this call, the U.S, President extended his personal condolences, as well as those of the American people and government, to His Majesty the King, and to the Moroccan people, following the painful earthquake that struck se

Morocco Releases Information of Bank Account for Earthquake Relief Contributions

Morocco Releases Information of Bank Account for Earthquake Relief Contributions

The Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Copenhagen would like to express its deep gratitude for the many expressions of support and solidarity to the Moroccan people following the terrible earthquake that occurred on Friday evening.
In accordance with the High Instructions of His Majesty the King, may god assist Him, a special bank account has been opened at Bank Al Maghrib to receive voluntar

Velkommen til Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Denmark!

The Embassy represents Morocco in Denmark. Diplomatic relations between the two kingdoms go back to the mid-18th century when the first bilateral Treaty was signed and the first Danish Consulate opened in Essaouira

Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Denmark

Øregårds Allé 19
2900 Hellerup