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Emner: Diplomati

Morocco : Compromise Reached by 6+6 Joint Commission is Important Step in Process of Resolving Libyan Crisis (FM)

Morocco : Compromise Reached by 6+6 Joint Commission is Important Step in Process of Resolving Libyan Crisis (FM)

Bouznika - The conclusions of the meeting of the joint commission (6+6) tasked by the Libyan House of Representatives and High Council of State with drafting the electoral laws for the legislative and presidential elections in Libya are an important step in the process of finding a definitive solution to the Libyan crisis, said, on Tuesday in Bouznika, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperat

Sikkerhedsituationen i Maghreb - et af Europas vigtigste politiske anliggender

Sikkerhedsituationen i Maghreb - et af Europas vigtigste politiske anliggender

Mahgreb, den nordafrikanske region på dørtrinnet til EU, skaber sjældent overskrifter i danske medier, men det er aktuelt et af Europas vigtigste politiske anliggender. Torsdag, den 25. november 2021, vil sikkerhedssituationen i Maghreb være øverst på dagsordenen ved et debatarrangement, som afholdes på Københavns Universitet af Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab og Kongeriget Marokkos Ambassade.

Velkommen til Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Denmark!

The Embassy represents Morocco in Denmark. Diplomatic relations between the two kingdoms go back to the mid-18th century when the first bilateral Treaty was signed and the first Danish Consulate opened in Essaouira

Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Denmark

Øregårds Allé 19
2900 Hellerup