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UNSC Resolution 2602 adopted on 29 October 2021
UNSC Resolution 2602 adopted on 29 October 2021

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The Kingdom of Morocco welcomes the adoption on Friday, October 29 of the UN Security Council Resolution 2602, extending the mandate of the UN mission monitoring the ceasefire in the Sahara (MINURSO) for an additional year, until 31 October 2022

The Kingdom of Morocco welcomes the adoption on Friday, October 29 of the UN Security Council Resolution 2602, extending the mandate of the UN mission monitoring the ceasefire in the Sahara (MINURSO) for an additional year, until 31 October 2022

In a kind of recall process, resolution 2602 reminds the finality of the UN process on the Sahara Regional Conflict which should be, as the resolution states, a realistic, practicable, enduring, and mutually acceptable political solution, based on compromise and considering efforts made since 2006 and subsequent developments.

This is the 18th consecutive resolution where UNSC enshrines the pre-eminence of the autonomy initiative, presented by the Kingdom Morocco on April 11, 2007, and welcomes the serious and credible efforts made by the Kingdom to settle the Sahara Conflict. It goes without saying that the international consensus around the autonomy plan offered by the Kingdom of Morocco under its sovereignty as the only viable solution has been consolidated by the recognition by the United States of the Moroccan Sahara and the opening of several consulates in the southern provinces of the Kingdom.

The context and the content of this resolution as well as the positions expressed during its vote corroborate the consistency of the Moroccan approach to this Conflict:

By stressing its deep concerns regarding the breakdown of the ceasefire, the Security Council, which is well aware of the party that has officially announced its withdrawal from the related agreements at a time when Morocco had reaffirmed its commitment to respect its provisions, sends a clear message to the parties jeopardizing the ceasefire to assume their responsibilities.

By emphasizing the need for resumption of consultation between the parties to the conflict, namely Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania, and the separatist group of polisario, the Security Council sends another clear message to Algeria to stop its maneuvers and engage in constructive dialogue.

By urging the constructive resumption of the political process, under the auspices of the new personal envoy of the UNSG for Sahara, Staffan de Mistura, while keeping to build on the progress of the former Personal Envoy Horst Kohler, the Security Council remains convinced that round table process which was established by the Security Council remains the only mechanism and framework for the political process.

By welcoming the role played by the National Council on Human Rights Commissions operating in Dakhla and Laayoune, and Morocco’s interaction with Special Procedures of the United Nations Human Rights Council, the UNSC recognizes Moroccan achievements in the Human rights field, contrary to antagonists who try in vain to weaponize this issue against Morocco.

By giving rise to its deep concern about the continued hardships faced by Sahrawi refugees and their reliance on external humanitarian aid, while stressing the need for refugee registration, the UNSC maintains its request since 2011 for the consideration of a population census in the Tindouf refugee camps, as key to well govern this assistance and prevent its diversion.

After the vote of the resolution 2602, the United States called on parties, through its Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations, Richard M. Mills, to work on de-escalating tensions, urging them to engage in good faith with Staffan de Mistura, in turning the corner to a just and mutually acceptable solution. The US will continue to consult privately on achieving a solution based on compromise, encouraging other relevant parties to engage in constructive dialogue.



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