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Measures to overcome effetcs of Morocco Earthquake

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Measures to overcome effetcs of Morocco Earthquake

  1. in line with the immediate concrete actions ordered by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, during the first hour, to provide equipment and dispatch rescue teams on the sites of the earthquake that hits the region of Al Haouz, His Majesty chaired yet another meeting, On September 14, 2023, devoted this time for deploying Rehabilitation and Reconstruction measures as quickly as possible, in the localities affected by this natural disaster of unprecedented scale.

  1. Indeed, as deeds and action are more important than words and verbosity for His Majesty, He headed this meeting, with competent members of the Government and relevant authorities, devoted to the activation of the emergency program for the rehousing and supporting of disaster victims most affected by the Al Haouz earthquake.

  1. This meeting comes as a follow-up of the measures ordered by His Majesty, aimed at mobilizing all means, with the necessary speed and efficiency, to come to the aid of affected families and citizens.
  1. This first version of the rehousing program concerns approximately *50,000 totally or partially collapsed housing units*, in the five affected provinces of the Kingdom of Morocco.
  1. It consists, on the one hand, of emergency temporary rehousing actions, in particular through adapted on-site accommodation options and in structures designed to withstand and protect from the cold and bad weather; or in designed reception sites with all the necessary amenities.
  1. On the other hand, 30,000 dirhams (around 21000 DKK) are granted as immediate emergency aid of to the households concerned.
  1. The Sovereign instructed the relevant authorities to the highest priority nature of the rehousing operation taking into consideration the specific needs, priorities of the populations besides the specifications regarding technical and architectural supervision in harmony with the heritage of the region.
  1. For immediate reconstruction actions, to be deployed after the preliminary expertise operations, direct financial aid of 140,000 dirhams (around 100000 DKK) are allocated for completely collapsed homes and 80,000 for the rehabilitation work on partially collapsed homes.
  1. Furthermore, instructions are given by His Majesty so that while respecting the dignity of the populations, their habits, customs and their heritage, measures should include strengthening infrastructure and raising the quality of the land and of public services in the affected regions.
  1. This multidimensional program mainly mobilizes the financial resources of the country, but will also be open to contributions from private and NGO’s actors, as well as willing friendly countries.
  1. In this respect it is worth recalling that many countries right away proposed their support, and in order to respond to immediate needs, Morocco accepted equipments and rescue teams from Spain, Great Britain, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.
  1. During this meeting, His Majesty the King Mohammed VI also raised an equally priority and crucial subject which is the immediate care of orphaned children who find themselves today without family or resources. The Sovereign asked that these children be listed and granted the status of Ward of the Nation.
  1. Furthermore, in order to get them out of this situation of distress and protect them from all risks of fragility His Majesty King Mohammed VI ordered the government to include in the existing legal framework regarding adoption an appropriate bill necessary for this purpose.

Therefore, through the Royal vision and the concrete immediate decisions of His Majesty, Morocco demonstrates, once again, the *capacity for resilience which characterizes it and which allows the country to face trials and challenges with strength, wisdom and determination and this thanks to the strength of its institutions and the solidarity and generosity of its people.



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The Embassy represents Morocco in Denmark. Diplomatic relations between the two kingdoms go back to the mid-18th century when the first bilateral Treaty was signed and the first Danish Consulate opened in Essaouira

Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Denmark

Øregårds Allé 19
2900 Hellerup