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Kategorier: vietnam

CALL OPENS: Floods in South and Southeast Asia

Call for applications for DERF funding of rapid response interventions answering to the following humanitarian crisis:
Title: Floods in South and Southeast Asia
Country and location(s): Flood affected areas of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Vietnam, and the Philippines
DERF Funding Modality: Applicants are to apply for the DERF Funding Modality Rapid Response as per the DERF Fundin

20-024-RO Floods in Vietnam (Not Activated)

​Care Danmark has submitted an alert on the floods in Vietnam. The DERF was not activated to the alerted crisis because of no availability of DERF funds. Since October, Central Vietnam has been struck by the worst storms since 1999. The disaster continues to unfold. As of 22nd November, floods and landslides directly affected 1.3 million people and claimed 130 human lives.

Den danske nødhjælpspulje

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DERF - Danish Emergency Relief Fund