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Kategorier: brazil

Alert Note: Floodings in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. NOT ACTIVATED

NOAH Friends of the Earth has submitted an alert note due to floodings in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
DERF has carefully considered the submitted crisis alert and decided not to activate the DERF for funding interventions responding to the crisis in Brazil. .

Alert note: Floodings in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

NOAH Friends of the Earth has submitted an alert note due to floodings in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
In the south of Brazil, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Areas that have barely been rebuilt after last years flooding and are now hit again in greater scale. Intense, high-volume rainfall, which reached more than 700 mm in some places, hit almost every municipality in the state from April 27

Den danske nødhjælpspulje

Her finder man information om calls mv. fra den danske nødhjælpspulje DERF. Hvert enkelt call eller alert er publiceret som en 'nyhed', mens alle dokumenter ligger under 'dokumenter'. Man kan søge ved hjælp af egne søgeord eller bruge de såkaldte tags, alle nyheder og dokumenter er udstyret med.

DERF - Danish Emergency Relief Fund