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Kategorier: alertnote

22-015-RO Altert note Response to Floods and Mudslide affected communities in Mbale and surrounding districts on the slopes of Mount Elgon

International Aid Services (IAS) has submitted an alert note regarding floods and mudslide in Mbale and surrounding districts on the slopes of Mount Elgon.
The recent floods and mudslides that occurred since the beginning of August 2022, have caused death, displacement, and severe destruction of livelihoods on the slopes of Mount Elgon in Eastern Uganda. The most severely affected areas were Mb

22-014-RO Alert note Flood Response to the affected communities in Katiela and Ed Al Fursan localities in South Darfur state

International Aid Services (IAS) has submitted an alert note regarding floods in South Darfur, Sudan. 
This flooding crisis is located in the state of South Darfur, Sudan. Two localities which have suffered severe flooding are Kateila and Ed Al Fursan localities, located to the southwest of Nyala the capital of South Darfur state. During August torrential rains occurred in South Darfur, causing

22-012-SP Alert Note Emergency safe water and food access to populations in urgent need in Mykolaiv, Ukraine

Flygtningebørn.dk has submitted an alert regarding emergency safe water and food access to populations in urgent need in Mykolaiv, Ukraine. The crisis is located in Mykolaiv oblast (region) in Ukraine where the Russian shelling has changed drastically to the worse. This city is now the focus of Russian bombardment in efforts to try and secure the city’s ports and ensure access to Odessa. The bombi

22-010-SO Alert Note Food security during socioeconomic crisis in Sri Lanka (Activated)

The alert note regarding unrest i Sri Lanka has been reassessed and a call has been opened.
Assist has submitted an alert regarding food security during socioeconomic crisis in Sri Lanka. The food systems, including its market system, have been disrupted country-wide and in all its components. The following areas are most severely affected: Ratnapura in the Sabaragamuwa, Trincomalee in the East

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