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No Alerts will be received / calls will be opened until the Finance Act for 2023 is approved

The DERF is currently not able to provide humanitarian grants due to the fact that the Danish Government has not yet approved the 2023 Finance Act. Therefore, the DERF will neither assess incoming alerts nor open calls for applications for the time being.

When the Danish Government has approved the 2023 Finance Act, which is expected to happen during March- April 2023, we will inform the DERF users. We are sorry for the inconvenience this is causing the DERF users, and to the people in need of humanitarian assistance.

The DERF has a minor amount of unallocated funds remaining from 2022, which is utilized for payments to already approved grants/activities and for new grants under the Anticipatory Action modality. The DERF therefore continues to receive and assess AA-applications as stipulated in the DERF funding guidelines.

If you have question, or information about a critical humanitarian situation, you are welcome to contact the DERF fund manager.


Den danske nødhjælpspulje

Her finder man information om calls mv. fra den danske nødhjælpspulje DERF. Hvert enkelt call eller alert er publiceret som en 'nyhed', mens alle dokumenter ligger under 'dokumenter'. Man kan søge ved hjælp af egne søgeord eller bruge de såkaldte tags, alle nyheder og dokumenter er udstyret med.

DERF - Danish Emergency Relief Fund