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19-021-EA DERF Call for applications on DERF funding of early actions on food security

Title: Early Actions on food security in Burkina Faso, Mali, the Niger, South Sudan, Yemen, Cabo Verde, the Gambia, Mauritania, Senegal and Zimbabwe

Early Warning Source: FAO Early Warning Early Action (EWEA) report for October-December 2019 (Find link here or access through FAO website: www.fao.org)

DERF Funding Modality: Applicants are to apply for the DERF Funding Modality Early Action as per the updated DERF Funding Guidelines Version II of 2019

Deadline for submission of applications: Applications are received and processed on an ongoing basis from DERF activation Wednesday 23.10.2019 until close of this Call for applications on Sunday 17.11.2019 at 23:59.

Locations and early actions which can be funded through the DERF under this Call are mentioned below (and are detailed in the FAO EWEA report for October – December 2019 mentioned above):

1. High risk region (pages 2-3 in FAO report): Burkina Faso, Mali and the Niger. Cause of risk: Conflict and displacement. Recommended early actions: page 3 in FAO report

2. High risk country (pages 4-5 in FAO report): South Sudan. Cause of risk: Conflict and risk of famine. Recommended early actions: page 5 in FAO report

3. High risk country (pages 5-6 in FAO report): Yemen. Cause of risk: Conflict and risk of famine. Recommended early actions: page 6 in FAO report

4. High risk region (pages 10-11 in FAO report): Cabo Verde, the Gambia, Mauritania and Senegal. Cause of risk: Dry conditions and floods. Recommended early actions: page 11 in FAO report

5. High risk country (pages 12-13 in FAO report): Zimbabwe. Cause of risk: Drought and economic downturn. Recommended early actions: page 13 in FAO report

Read the FAO EWEA report October – December 2019 before developing your application: Refer to the FAO EWEA report for detailed information on the identified high risk areas (regions and countries) mentioned above and take note of the recommended early actions as the DERF can only fund Early Action interventions in the above mentioned countries and can only fund Early Action activities which are in alignment with those mentioned in the report.

Attend the DERF Early Action Call Meeting in Cph 30th October – register your participation: A meeting with DERF team members will be held in Copenhagen on Wednesday the 30th October from 16:00 – 18:30 if there is sufficient interest from potential applicants. The objective of the meeting is to provide information on the Early Action modality, the current Call for applications and the application process in support of the application process. Applicants will have an opportunity to seek initial advise in relation to their applications and will be able to network with other applicant organisations intending to apply for Early Action funding. Register your participation by sending an email to derf@cisu.dk latest Monday 28th October.

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DERF - Danish Emergency Relief Fund