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20-023-SP/Armed conflict in Mozambique/Call for applications

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20-023-SP/Armed conflict in Mozambique/Call for applications

Call for applications for DERF to the following humanitarian crisis: Armed Conflict in northern Mozambique. Location: Cabe Delegado province. Partially also Nampula and Niassa provinces. Funding Modality: Applicants are to apply for the DERF Modality Rapid Response Deadline: Sunday 8-11-2020 at 23:45. The DERF allocates a total of up to DKK 2.400.000 for this Call.
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20-023-SP/Armed conflict in Mozambique/Call for applications

Call for applications for DERF to the following humanitarian crisis: Armed Conflict in northern Mozambique. Location: Cabe Delegado province. Partially also Nampula and Niassa provinces. Funding Modality: Applicants are to apply for the DERF Modality Rapid Response Deadline: Sunday 8-11-2020 at 23:45. The DERF allocates a total of up to DKK 2.400.000 for this Call.

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DERF - Danish Emergency Relief Fund