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Lee Mingwei, The Mending Project (2009). Photo Courtesy of Mori Art Museum, photo by Yoshitsugu Fuminari.

Beautiful Repair – Mending in Art and Fashion 1 February – 3 September 2023

A big, experimental group show at Copenhagen Contemporary presents a new phenomenon in the intersection of art and fashion: the aesthetics of mending. In Beautiful Repair, a stellar array of spectacular, tactile works unfold the visual and material vocabulary of a new creative generation, sparking a conversation about the importance of craft, concepts of beauty, resources and the sociocultural rol

Left: Cathrine Raben Davidsen. Photo: Søren Solkær / Right: Cathrine Raben Davidsen, As above, so below (2022)

Major new art prize, established by the Beckett Foundation with Copenhagen Contemporary, goes to Cathrine Raben Davidsen

The Beckett Foundation, in partnership with Copenhagen Contemporary (CC), has established an art prize to be awarded annually to a Danish artist who has made an original contribution in the field of art. The first winner of the Beckett Prize is Cathrine Raben Davidsen, whose captivating, dreamlike paintings make up a singular personal universe exploring life, death, transformation and time.

Venstre: Cathrine Raben Davidsen. Photo: Søren Solkær / Højre: Cathrine Raben Davidsen, As above, so below  (2022)

Ny stor kunstpris stiftet af Beckett-Fonden i samarbejde med Copenhagen Contemporary hædrer Cathrine Raben Davidsen

Beckett-Fonden indstifter i samarbejde med Copenhagen Contemporary (CC) en ny kunstpris, der årligt hædrer en dansk kunstner, som har skabt et originalt bidrag til billedkunsten. Den første vinder af Beckett-Prisen er Cathrine Raben Davidsen, der med sine dragende og drømmende malerier har udviklet et unikt personligt kunstnerisk univers, som undersøger liv, død, transformation og tid.

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Copenhagen Contemporary

Copenhagen Contemporary (CC) is Copenhagen’s international art center showing installation art created by world stars and new emerging talents. CC occupies the magnificent former B&W welding hall offering a total of 7,000 m2 of beautiful industrial halls with plenty of space to show the technical and large formats in which many contemporary artists work: total installations, performance art, and monumental video works.

Copenhagen Contemporary

Refshalevej 173A
1432 Copenhagen K