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A large Chinese gilded and patinated bronze figure of an Immortal, Lao-zi, Ming 1368-1644. H. 64 cm. Estimate: DKK 400,00-500,000 / € 53,500-67,000.
A large Chinese gilded and patinated bronze figure of an Immortal, Lao-zi, Ming 1368-1644. H. 64 cm. Estimate: DKK 400,00-500,000 / € 53,500-67,000.

Pressemeddelelse -

​Oriental Art at Auction in Copenhagen

At Bruun Rasmussen’s international summer auction we present a selection of beautiful Chinese art from different historical periods. The auction of Oriental art takes place in Copenhagen on Wednesday 1 June at 2 pm.

”One of the auction highlights is a large Ming figure of gilded and patinated bronze, which depicts an immortal figure from Chinese culture, dressed in a robe, hair in a bun, parted beard and a remarkably warm and welcoming radiance” says Ralph Lexner, head of oriental art at Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers. The figure represents Lao-Tze, literally meaning "Old Master". He was a Chinese philosopher and writer who was born around 604 B.C., and he founded the philosophical and religious school of Taoism. His principal work is "The Tao Te Ching" text, which is about the origin and influence of all things.

The bronze figure comes from the collection of the Danish engineer Einer Bothmann Mengel (1878-1945), who lived in China for more than 25 years – first as an employee of the Great Northern Telegraph Company and later at the Chinese telegraph administration. A number of other religious bronze figures have also found their way to the auction – including a Ming Guanyin seated in the characteristic meditation pose dhyanasana and a fearsome figure of the Buddhist deity Acala from 1700s Tibet.

Exclusive Chinese scroll and porcelain

Virtually the same expression is found on a Chinese scroll of colourful silk from the 1800s. Here one is met by a furious nine-armed Taoist deity in full sprint, who literally moves heaven and earth, much to the distress of the small foo dog in the foreground. The scrolls provenance is part of the art collection, which the Dane Sofus Black (1882-1960) created during his long posting in China as a telegraph manager of the Great Nordic Telegraph Company.

From his collection we also find a fine lotus-shaped porcelain dish from the Wanli period in 1573-1620. It contains Buddhist Sanskrit letters, and the refined shape and decoration attest to the dish being made at one of the imperial workshops of the time. Shanghai Museum owns a similar version of the dish, and the dish up for auction must therefore have been part of a major order from the court.

We stay within the same topic, but jump in time and style with a centrepiece and two covered bowls in turquoise porcelain. With their unique decoration of flowers and birds they embody China's rich tradition of sublime decorative arts. The set was designed for the Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908), who was the de facto leader of China during the years between 1861-1908, and it has been owned by Henrik V. Jacobsen (1887-1955), director of the East Asiatic Company for many years.

Japanese art

From Chinese gracefulness to Japanese elegance. Another highlight of the auction is a silk painting with two geishas relaxing in a simple interior. It was painted by one of the foremost painters of the Edo period, Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849), whose characters and expressions formed the seeds of today’s popular Japanese cartoon culture ”Manga”. Presumably the painting was originally acquired by the British architect Josiah Conder (1852-1920), who lived in Japan and designed some of the most significant public buildings in Tokyo and was therefore nick-named "Father of Japanese modern architecture”. His daughter Helen was married to a Dane, and Conder’s collection therefore ended up in Denmark.

International Oriental Art Auction

Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers of Fine Art, Bredgade 33, Copenhagen, Denmark

Preview: 26-30 May

Auction: Wednesday 1 June at 2 pm

Press photo

A large Chinese gilded and patinated bronze figure of an Immortal, Lao-zi, seated on wave formations. Ming 1368-1644. H. 64 cm. Estimate: DKK 400,00-500,000 / € 53,500-67,000.



Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers is one of Scandinavia’s leading international auction houses, and one of Denmark’s oldest. It all started on 6 October 1948, when Arne Bruun Rasmussen conducted the first traditional auction in the saleroom at Bredgade 33 in Copenhagen. Today, Jesper Bruun Rasmussen stands at the helm of the family-run business together with the company's CEO Jakob Dupont.

In 2004, the first online auction was launched, and today the auction house has expanded to include departments in Copenhagen and Aarhus and representations in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Thailand and the US. About 100,000 lots are auctioned off each year at the eight traditional auctions and the daily online auctions. Here you can bid on everything from art, antiques, modern design and jewellery to books, coins, stamps, wine and weapons.


Ralph Lexner

Ralph Lexner

Afdelingsleder Ældre kunsthåndværk & klassisk interiør +45 8818 1161

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Bruun Rasmussen – Part of the Bonhams Network

“Første, anden, tredje. Solgt til kvinden på første række“. I mere end 75 år har auktionshuset Bruun Rasmussen svinget hammeren over kunst, design, smykker, armbåndsure, antikviteter og samlerobjekter som vin, bøger, mønter og frimærker. Efter at have været familieejet gennem tre generationer blev vi i 2022 købt af det engelske auktionshus Bonhams, der blev grundlagt i England i 1793 og i dag er et af verdens førende. Vi er nu en del af et internationalt netværk med global rækkevidde og markedsfører og sælger derfor kunsten, hvor i verden det giver bedst mening i forhold til køberne. Det betyder også, at vi i netværket tilbyder flere end 60 kategorier af genstande på vores auktioner.

Kunst og troværdighed er hjertet i alt, hvad vi gør. Arbejdet i auktionshuset stiller store krav til vores viden om kunsten og tendenserne på markedet. Vores specialister er de mest erfarne og kompetente i branchen, og i Bonhams’ netværk deler vi viden og sparrer på tværs af landegrænser med et stort antal internationale specialister. Kun på den måde kan vi give den optimale vurdering og rådgivning, som er blevet vores varemærke – og dermed tilbyde det bedste på alle hylder og opnå de højeste hammerslag til fordel for vores kunder.

Tradition og fornyelse går hånd i hånd. Hos Bruun Rasmussen er vi et af Europas mest moderne og digitale auktionshuse, og det er naturligt for os at forandre os i takt med tiden. Fornyelse er en del af vores DNA, men vi er samtidig dybt forankret i vores historie. Omdrejningspunktet for virksomheden er de to typer auktioner – Onlineauktion og Traditionel Auktion. Hver uge sætter vi flere end tusinde genstande under hammeren på bruun-rasmussen.dk og adskillige gange om året i auktionssalen. Vi er stolte af at sælge kunst og design i stort set alle genrer og prisklasser til og for mennesker over hele verden, der er drevet af den samme passion som os.

Vi vil gerne være levende kulturhus, og siden efteråret 2023 har vi været placeret i Lyngby nord for København i vores nye, moderne hovedsæde. Her kan man ikke alene gå på opdagelse blandt alle de udstillede kunstgenstande og byde med på de spændende auktioner. Man kan også møde vores specialister, få foretaget vurderinger, indlevere til auktion, høre spændende foredrag og deltage i kulturelle events. Vi har ligeledes en afdeling i Aarhus og Glostrup og tager løbende på vurderingsture både i Danmark og udlandet. Vores mål er altid at være tilgængelige, og at alle skal have en god oplevelse hos os.

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Bruun Rasmussen – Part of the Bonhams Network

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