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BASF investerer i Europa med to nye batterifabrikker til elbiler

  • BASF åbner fabrik til batterikomponenter til elbiler i Tyskland.
  • BASFs kommende batterifabrikker i Tyskland og Finland vil begge bruge vedvarende energikilder til produktionen, der sænker CO2-udledningen i hele værdikæden.

Den resterende tekst følger på engelsk:

BASF is announcing a new battery materials production site in Schwarzheide, Germany, as part of its multi-step investment plan to support the European electric vehicle (EV) value chain. This state-of-the art plant will produce cathode active materials (CAM) with an initial capacity enabling the supply of around 400,000 full electric vehicles per year with BASF battery materials. Innovative cathode materials by BASF increase the performance of batteries, promoting the success of climate-friendly mobility.

The Schwarzheide plant’s modular design and infrastructure allows for the rapid scale-up of manufacturing capacities enabling BASF to meet increasing customer demand for the European EV market. The plant in Schwarzheide will use precursors (PCAM) from BASF’s previously announced plant in Harjavalta, Finland. Startup of the two plants is planned for 2022.

“The plants in Finland and Germany will offer our customers reliable access to tailored high-nickel cathode active materials in proximity to their European manufacturing facilities,” said Dr. Peter Schuhmacher, President, Catalysts division at BASF. With these investments in Finland and Germany, BASF will be the first CAM supplier with local production capacities in today’s three major markets – Asia, the U.S. and Europe. BASF will become the leading supplier with a reliable, sustainable and European-based supply chain which will comprise base metal supply, particularly nickel and cobalt, precursor production, and cathode material production within one region.

The site in Schwarzheide uses an energy-efficient gas and steam turbine power plant that operates on the principle of combined heat and power generation. It is currently being modernized to further increase its eco-efficiency. Until the battery materials plant is commissioned, the integration of renewable energies is also planned. The Harjavalta plant will utilize renewable energy resources, including hydro, wind and biomass-based power. This advantageous energy mix will provide CAM material with a very low CO2 footprint.

The investments in Harjavalta, Finland, and Schwarzheide, Germany, reinforce BASF’s support of the European Commission’s agenda towards a European battery production value chain and are part of the “Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI)” that was approved by the European Commission on December 9, 2019 under the European Union state aid rules.

To learn more about BASF Battery Materials and BASF’s commitment to e-mobility, visit our website.

You can find TV footage and additional photo material of BASF’s battery material research and production sites in our TV-service and photo pool (please choose “battery” as search term).

About BASF’s Catalysts Division
BASF’s Catalysts division is the world’s leading supplier of environmental and process catalysts. The group offers exceptional expertise in the development of technologies that protect the air we breathe, produce the fuels that power our world and ensure efficient production of a wide variety of chemicals, plastics and other products, including advanced battery materials. By leveraging our industry-leading R&D platforms, passion for innovation and deep knowledge of precious and base metals, BASF’s Catalysts division develops unique, proprietary solutions that drive customer success. Further information on BASF’s Catalysts division is available on the Internet at


  • Industri, produktion


  • basf
  • elbiler
  • sustainability
  • bæredygtighed
  • bilindustrien

Hos BASF skaber vi kemi for en bæredygtig fremtid. Vi kombinerer økonomisk succes med miljøbeskyttelse og social ansvarlighed. De omkring 122.000 ansatte i BASF Group arbejder for at bidrage til succes for vore kunder, som man finder i næsten alle brancher og i næsten alle lande over hele verden. Vores produktportefølje er opdelt i seks segmenter: Chemicals, Materials, Industrial Solutions, Surface Technologies, Nutrition & Care og Agricultural Solutions. I 2018 opnåede BASF en omsætning på omkring 63 milliarder euro. BASF’s aktier handles på børserne i Frankfurt (BAS), London (BFA) og Zürich (AN). Yderligere oplysninger om BASF findes på


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