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Press Invitation: Baltic Development Forum Summit 2009 Stockholm

Press Invitation: Baltic Development Forum Summit 2009

When: 5-6 October 2009
Where: Stockholm International Fairs & Congress Center

The Baltic Development Forum Summit 2009 will this year be held in Stockholm under the headline Boosting Top of Europe. The Summit is organised in association with the Swedish EU-Presidency and with Swedbank as Summit Partner.

As the regional "Davos" the Summit brings together all relevant actors from different sectors, countries and organisations to discuss the most pressing issues related to the Baltic Sea Region. On the Agenda are the competitiveness and future of the Baltic Sea Region, the economic and financial crisis, environmental challenges, climate and energy, the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, as well as other business and regional foreign policy issues.

The Summit will be opened by H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria. The Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt will participate together with his Prime Minister colleagues of Finland, Latvia and Lithuania. A highly interesting speaker at the Summit is Jeremy Rifkin, the American advisor, author and lecturer who examines the impacts of new technologies introduced into the global economy. The Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for enterprise and industry, Günter Verheugen is also speaker, as well as the liberal economist and advisor to Russian President Medvedev Igor Yurgens. Many CEO's of large companies will participate in the debate, as well as representatives of enterprise organisations, business chambers and academia.

Highlights among the Speakers are:
Fredrik Reinfeldt, Prime Minister Sweden
Matti Vanhanen, Prime Minister Finland
Andrius Kubilius, Prime Minister Lithuania
Valdis Dombrovskis, Prime Minister Latvia
Günter Verheugen, Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for enterprise and industry
Jeremy Rifkin, President of the Foundation on Economic Trends, USA
Igor Yurgens, First Vice President Renaissance Capital, Russia
Michael Wolf, CEO Swedbank
Håkan Bushe, CEO E.ON Nordic
Kārlis Miķelsons, CEO Latvenergo
Arminta Saladžienė, Chairman of the Management Board of NASDAQ OMX Vilnius
Claus Hjort Frederiksen, Minister for Finance, Denmark
Troels Lund Poulsen, Minister for Environment, Denmark
Hans Skov Christensen, CEO Danish Industry
Halldór Ásgrímsson, Secretary General , Nordic Council of Ministers
Vygaudas Ušackas, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lithuania
Cecilia Malmström, Minister for EU Affairs, Sweden
Mikołaj Dowgielewicz, Minister for EU Affairs, Poland
Juhan Parts, Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia
Artis Kampars, Minister of Economics, Latvia
Truman Packard, Senior Economist, World Bank
Per Unckel, County Governor Stockholm
Peter Egardt, President and CEO, Stockholm Chamber of Commerce
Signhild Arnegård Hansen, Chairman of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise

Baltic Development Forum's annual State of the Region Report (sponsored by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Nordic Investment Bank) will be presented by the author Dr. Christian Ketels, Principal Associate, Harvard Business School. Furthermore, a new Study of Baltic Development Forum and Ea Energy Analyses on Sustainable Energy Scenarios for the Baltic Sea Region (spon-sored by the Nordic Council of Ministers) will be presented as a regional input to the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.

For more Summit information, programme and advance copies of the reports above: see our web-site

Media representatives are welcome to attend the Summit. For accreditation send an email to Katarina Tafvelin, Please bring your press credentials to the Summit venue.


Hans Brask, Director, Baltic Development Forum
Phone +45- 60 21 85 81, email:

Katarina Tafvelin, Head of Communication and Media, Baltic Development Forum
Phone +45-27 64 80 76, email:

About us

Baltic Development Forum - with headquarters in Copenhagen - is a network for high level decision makers from business, politics, academia and media in the Baltic Sea Region. It was founded in 1998, and is still lead, by the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark Uffe Ellemann-Jensen. Our mission is to initiate and facilitate processes to build a strong, prosperous and coherent Baltic Sea Region.


  • Finans


  • talents
  • sustainable growth
  • energy
  • energy supply
  • entrepreneurship
  • baltic youth philharmonic
  • fifth freedom
  • foreign trade
  • globalisation
  • russia
  • innovation
  • competitiveness
  • climate
  • business
  • baltic sea region


Katarina Tafvelin

Head of Communication and Media + 45 27 64 80 76 (mobile)

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