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COVID-19 Risk management – hvordan kan Aon hjælpe

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COVID-19 Risk management – hvordan kan Aon hjælpe

COVID-19 Risk management – hvordan kan Aon hjælpe

Mens antallet af Covid-19 smittede til stadighed er stigende verden over, samt effekten af denne pandemi kan mærkes på tværs af regioner og brancher, så er der løbende prognoser omkring de økonomiske og menneskelige konsekvenser herved.

For at skabe overblik og sikre en hurtig aktionsorienteret tilgang til, hvad I kan gøre for at reducere de negative konsekvenser ved pandemien, så har Aon samlet nogle af vore specialister på tværs af Risk og Health og stillet dem hver 5 spørgsmål omkring, hvordan de tænker virksomheder kan forberede, håndtere og mitigere Covid-19 relaterede risici mest effektfuldt.

Du kan lytte til webbinaret via dette link og vi håber, at du vil finde diskussionen behjælpelig.

Aon’s Infectious Disease Response Task Force er blevet mobiliseret for at sikre vore kunder løbende og fyldestgørende rådgivning omkring spredningen af Covid-19. Vores Task Force inkluderer repræsentation fra alle områder af Aon’s globale forretning og ledes af personer med speciale inden for epidemi- og krisehåndtering. Vi har udarbejdet disse vedhæftninger som giver værdifuld information til at supportere jeres interne diskussioner. :

  • Pandemic Influenza vs.2019 Novel Coronavirus – Comparison and Context – Dette dokument blev udarbejdet af Gisele Norris, DrPH, der er en Aon-kollega med baggrund inden for epidemiologi og co-leder Aon's Task Force for smitsomme sygdomme. Mange organisationer har pandemiske planer, men hvert udbrud har unikke egenskaber. Ved at bruge Pandemic Flu som en basislinje sammenligner vi sygdomsegenskaber, så du kan se, hvad der er det samme som Pandemic Flu, og hvad der er anderledes. Dette dokument kan hjælpe dig med at fremskynde din organisations evne til at tilpasse planer til at tackle de unikke egenskaber ved akut respiratorisk sygdom fra 2019 Novel Coronavirus.

Note: Efterhånden som mere information blive kendt vil vi løbende opdatere dokumentet og anføre dato for opdatering.

Dette og yderligere materiale kan findes på Aon’s COVID-19 response site.


Som altid tøv endelig ikke med at kontakte os, hvis du har yderligere spørgsmål eller bekymringer.

Kaspar Larsen
Mobil 2139 0248 

COVID-19 Risk management guidance – how can Aon help

With the number of coronavirus cases still increases around the world and the effect of this pandemic spread being felt across many regions and industries, not a day goes by without new predictions about its economic and human impact.

To cut through all this noise and to help you to get a quick action orientated and practical update on what you can do to reduce the negative impact of the epidemic on your organisation, we convened some of our key experts across risk and health and asked them 5 questions on how they think companies can prepare, manage and mitigate COVID-19 related risks and issues most effectively.

You can listen to the webinar via this link and I hope you will find the discussion of help to you helpful.

Aon’s Infectious Disease Response Task Force has been mobilized to respond to 2019 Novel Coronavirus - named 2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease by the World Health Organization (WHO). Our Task Force includes representation from all parts of our business globally and is co-led by individuals with epidemiology and crisis management backgrounds. We have developed these attachments which provide valuable information to support your organization’s internal discussions.

  • Pandemic Influenza vs. 2019 Novel Coronavirus – Comparison and Context – This document was prepared by Gisele Norris, DrPH who is an Aon colleague with background in epidemiology and co-leads Aon’s Infectious Disease Response Task Force. Many organizations have Pandemic plans, but every outbreak has unique characteristics. By utilizing Pandemic Flu as a baseline, we compare and contrast disease characteristics so you can see what is the same as Pandemic Flu and what is different. This document can help you accelerate your organization’s ability to customize plans to address the unique characteristics of 2019 Novel Coronavirus acute respiratory disease.

Note: As more information becomes known, we will continue to update this document and show an issue date to confirm latest version.

This and additional materials are also available on Aon’s COVID-19 response site.


As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.

Kaspar Larsen
Mobile +45 2139 0248

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Maria Engström

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A leading global professional services firm providing a broad range of Risk Capital and Human Capital expertise.

Aon plc (NYSE: AON) exists to shape decisions for the better — to protect and enrich the lives of people around the world. Through actionable analytic insight, globally integrated Risk Capital and Human Capital expertise, and locally relevant solutions, our colleagues provide clients in over 120 countries and sovereignties with the clarity and confidence to make better risk and people decisions that help protect and grow their businesses.