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COVID-19: Aon bibeholder fuldt aktivitetsniveau

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COVID-19: Aon bibeholder fuldt aktivitetsniveau

QA: Hvilken betydning har coronavirus (COVID-19) i forhold til min pensionsordning og sundhedsforsikring?


Q: Er udbetaling af min pension påvirket af COVID-19?

A: Nej – dine udbetalinger fra pensionsordningen er ikke berørt af den aktuelle situation omkring COVID-19. Du vil fortsat modtage dine månedlige udbetalinger fra pensionsselskabet.

Vi forventer heller ikke, at eventuelle tiltag fra regeringens side vil få indflydelse på udbetalingen fra pensionsordningen.

Skulle dette ændre sig, så informerer vi naturligvis alle implicerede hurtigst muligt.

Q: Hvordan er jeg stillet i forhold til forsikringsdækningerne i min pensionsordning?

A: COVID-19 ændrer ikke ved dine forsikringsdækninger. Du er dækket som normalt. Der er ingen grund til bekymring
– heller ikke hvis du er ramt af COVID-19.

Din pensionsordning indeholder typisk en forsikringspakke, der giver ret til erstatning. Det gælder, hvis du mister din erhvervsevne helt eller delvist, hvis du bliver ramt af visse kritiske sygdomme, eller hvis du mister livet.


Q: Er der særlige hensyn at tage i forhold til sundhedsforsikringen i forhold til COVID-19?

A: Ja, i modsætning til din pensionsordning, så forholder det sig anderledes med din sundhedsforsikring. Din sundhedsforsikring dækker ikke sygdomme forårsaget af epidemi/pandemi. Dette gælder både selve behandlingen men også følgelidelser af dette herunder smertelindring.

Q: Hvor kan jeg så opnå behandling?

A: Diagnosticering og behandling af COVID-19 sker udelukkende i det offentlige sygehussystem. Der er ingen andre muligheder end at følge sundhedsmyndighedernes anbefalinger, hvis du har behov for lægelig udredning.


Har du spørgsmål, er du altid velkommen til at kontakte Aon på tlf. 3269 7070 eller på mail

QA: What are the consequences of coronavirus (COVID-19) in relation to my pension scheme and health insurance?

Company pension scheme

Q: Is the disbursement of my pension affected by COVID-19?

A: No – your disbursements from the pension scheme are not affected by the current situation concerning the coronavirus. You will continue to receive your monthly payments from the pension company.

We do not expect that any action taken by the Danish government will have an impact on the disbursements from the pension scheme.

Should this change, we will of course inform all those involved as soon as possible.

Q: How am I covered in relation to the insurance coverage in my pension scheme?

A: Coronavirus does not change your insurance coverages. You are covered as you’re used to and there is no cause for concern – even if you are affected by COVID-19.

Your pension scheme typically includes an insurance package that entitles you to compensation. This applies if you lose your ability to work, if you are affected by certain critical illnesses or if you die.

Health insurance

Q: Are there special considerations to be taken in relation to health insurance in relation to COVID-19?

A: Yes. Unlike your retirement plan, your health insurance is somehow different. Your health insurance does not cover diseases caused by epidemic/pandemic. This applies both to the treatment itself but also to the consequential disorders of this including pain relief.

Q: Where can I get treatment?

A: Diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 takes place exclusively in the public hospital system. There is no option but to follow the recommendations of the health authorities if you are in need of medical examination.

Contact information

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Aon on phone
+45 3269 7070 or send an email to




Maria Engström

Maria Engström

Press contact Marketing & Communication Leader Nordic Marketing & Communication +46766981108
Linn Jeanette Johansen

Linn Jeanette Johansen

Press contact Commercial & Marketing Leader Health & Benefit +47 45004859

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