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Samarbejde for en bedre lufthavnsoplevelse

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Samarbejde for en bedre lufthavnsoplevelse

Flypladser over hele verdenen ønsker at skabe en så god en oplevelse som muligt for sine passagerer. Men de deler også de samme udfordringer, når det gælder forsinkelser, uforudsete hændelser og effektivisering af ressourcer. Et bedre samarbejde imellem lufthavnens forskellige afdelinger og ansatte er nøglen til at overvinde disse udfordringer.

For nyligt gik Københavns lufthavn Kastrup ud med at de har valgt at implementere flere løsninger fra Amadeus for at minimere forsinkelser og øge kapaciteten både på jorden og i luften igennem bedre ruteplanlægning. Det er vigtigt for at Kastrup skal nå sin ambitiøse målsætning med 40 millioner passagerer inden 2040.

Vil du vide mere om vores løsninger, som bidrager til at Kastrup når sit mål om at blive størst i Norden på flytrafik. Læs blogindlægget nedenfor.

How Airport Collaborative Decision Making minimises delays and increases capacity

Airports have clear challenges to overcome, including flight delays, unpredictable events, and inefficient use of resources. Better collaboration among airport stakeholders is the key to overcoming these challenges and technology can be a key enabler in this respect.

Most recently, Copenhagen Airport has tackled these challenges by implementing Amadeus Airport Sequence Manager and our Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) solutions. This technology will provide the airport with accurate and synched information on aircraft arrivals and departures to minimise delays and increase capacity. It’s all about synching up airports, airlines, ground handlers, and air traffic controllers to follow exactly the same steps on the same collaborative platform to work more efficiently together.

Information sharing is the foundation upon which the five key elements of A-CDM rest upon. They include:

  • Collaborative management of flight updates
    Real-time information sharing between network operators and airports improves the quality of arrival and departure communications.
  • Collaborative Decision Making in adverse conditions
    When unpredictable reductions of capacity occur, this element achieves collaborative management of those situations.
  • Collaborative pre-departure sequence
    When an aircraft is ready to depart, this element helps airport stakeholders take into account operator preferences and operational constraints.

Variable taxi time
At complex airports, this is the key to predicting accurate take-off times.

The milestones approach
This element focuses on tracking the progress of a flight from the initial planning to the take off so airport stakeholders can achieve common situational awareness.

Our technology helps facilitate information sharing at airports, like Copenhagen, where they are actively working to improve operational performance and customer experience. We’ve already seen great results working together, and for them to become an A-CDM compliant airport is a great milestone in our journey together.




Karin Nordenhem

Karin Nordenhem

Pressekontakt Marketing Communication

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Amadeus makes the experience of travel better for everyone, everywhere by inspiring innovation, partnerships and responsibility to people, places and planet.

Our technology powers the travel and tourism industry. Inspiring more open ways of working. More connected ways of thinking, centered around the traveler. Our open platform connects the global travel and hospitality ecosystem. From startups to big industry players and governments too. Together, redesigning the travel of tomorrow.

We are working to make travel a force for social and environmental good. A collective responsibility to protect and improve the people and places we visit, ensuring travel continues to make positive contribution to our world.

We apply innovation to meet new needs, to solve real challenges. Our truly diverse global workforce, made up of 150 nationalities, is passionate about travel and technology.

We are an IBEX 35 company, listed on the Spanish Stock Exchange under AMS.MC. We have also been recognized by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the last 11 years.

Amadeus. It’s how travel works better.

Amadeus Scandinavia

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