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Big data til tjeneste!

Rejsebranchen befinder sig i en meget spændende fase. Aldrig har konkurrencen imellem flyselskaberne været hårdere for at fylde flysæderne. Dette skaber selvfølgelig store udfordringer- men også store muligheder for at optimere indtægterne. Som i så mange andre sammenhænge handler det om at spille kortene rigtig. Og for at kunne gøre dette, så må man forstå sine kunder og markedet, som man konkurrere i, endnu bedre. Til dette bliver indsamling og analyse af store mængder kundedata en helt afgørende faktor.

Vil du vide mere? I blogindlægget nedenfor kan du læse mere om hvordan lavprisselskabernes indtog, i kombination med stadig flere tilgængelige rejsealternativer og mere bevidste rejsende, har fået flyselskaberne til at revurdere deres strategier og hvordan Big Data kan hjælpe i kampen om kunden.

Consumer behaviour is the key to optimising and growing airline revenue

Umit Cholak Vice President, Revenue Optimization, Airline IT Solutions, Amadeus IT Group

Airlines face no shortage of challenges and opportunities when it comes to optimising total revenue. These challenges include correct inventory control across all distribution channels, product differentiation, personalisation, and realising the full benefits of existing partnership agreements. Low cost carrier pricing practices combined with the increased visibility of travel options, price empowered travellers, and increased price-based competition have caused airlines to rethink revenue management.

I had the pleasure of speaking recently with airline customers from around the world about how they can take advantage of these opportunities at the Amadeus Airline Revenue Optimisation Forum 2016 in Cannes. As I explained at the forum, Amadeus is ideally situated to support the end-to-end airline revenue optimisation needs of today and tomorrow. Our technology is built on Altea PSS-Inventory, a future proof open system that allows real-time data exchange and practically unlimited scalability.

The Amadeus Altéa Revenue Management suite uses big data from customer purchasing behaviour, competitor pricing, and rich contextual data. Since our technology fully integrates into our Altéa Passenger Service Systeminformation is no longer distorted or inaccurate. This gives airlines better visibility of different parts of a big puzzle so they can identify and correct weaknesses. This includes not only revenue management but also product definition, inventory, distribution, and pricing, a unique feature that only we offer.

Accurate data combined with superior algorithms and usability enable revenue analysts to improve accuracy and precision in forecasting. This helps airlines achieve higher optimisation in origin and destination management and maximise revenues. Two great success stories that I talked about at the forum included the adoption of our revenue optimisation technology byScandinavian Airlines’ (SAS)to counter the ‘buy-down effect’ generated from traditional revenue management practices, and Singapore Airlines, who wanted to future-proof its revenue optimization capabilities: Origin and destination revenue management, cloud-based availability, and dynamic pricing.

Of particular interest at the forum, was how we have also taken airline network planning and scheduling algorithms to the next level. We’ve integrated Amadeus Revenue Optimisation modules by teaming up with Optym. This unique approach will help airlines optimise their schedules using market-demand forecasts, price sensitivity and passenger choice models, amongst other parameters, with their revenue management system.

All of this innovation requires substantial investment and qualified resources, which we’ve backed up with an over 5,000-person strong research and development team, and an investment of more than €4 billion between 2004 and the end of 2015.

Overall, it was a fantastic event, and I especially enjoyed hearing from our airline customers on a wide variety of topics, ranging from their adoption of our cloud availability technology and the benefits of fare families to combining revenue management with merchandising.




Karin Nordenhem

Karin Nordenhem

Pressekontakt Marketing Communication

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Amadeus makes the experience of travel better for everyone, everywhere by inspiring innovation, partnerships and responsibility to people, places and planet.

Our technology powers the travel and tourism industry. Inspiring more open ways of working. More connected ways of thinking, centered around the traveler. Our open platform connects the global travel and hospitality ecosystem. From startups to big industry players and governments too. Together, redesigning the travel of tomorrow.

We are working to make travel a force for social and environmental good. A collective responsibility to protect and improve the people and places we visit, ensuring travel continues to make positive contribution to our world.

We apply innovation to meet new needs, to solve real challenges. Our truly diverse global workforce, made up of 150 nationalities, is passionate about travel and technology.

We are an IBEX 35 company, listed on the Spanish Stock Exchange under AMS.MC. We have also been recognized by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the last 11 years.

Amadeus. It’s how travel works better.

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