News -

LOXX® - now a registered trademark in the USA and in CHINA!

We have it in black and white: LOXX® is a registered trademark in CHINA since March 26th, 2015.

This is a further step towards protection of intellectual property, and especially towards protection against copies and idea robbery. Especially last year, Schaeffertec was faced with copies of developments and innovations by competitors who bought their articles in China.

More than 20 original Schaeffertec parts of the LOXX® series were repeatedly copied by the competition, since November 2013. Although Schaeffertec partly already launched these developments in 2009, our competitors -much to our amazement- declared their copies as novelties.

Schaeffertec already responded to this ungentlemanly manner last year: All 4 LOXX® developments that were presented at the METS 2014 were previously at least protected as a utility model.

This year Schaeffertec will launch incredible 6 LOXX® novelties until the METS 2015, and at least 2 of them have the chance to be patented. The registration is in progress…

Since Schaeffertec stands for the highest quality Made in Germany, we are obligated to put a definite stop to the copying of LOXX® developements and innovation.

LOXX® - Made in Germany since 1928 - only by Schaeffertec.


  • Lifestyle, Mode, Freizeit


  • bootsbedarf
  • bootsknopf
  • bootszubehör
  • druckknopf
  • loxx
  • made in germany
  • original qualität
  • schnellverschluss
  • sicherheitsverschluss
  • sperrverschluss
  • schaeffertec
  • taschenverschluss
  • befestigungslösung
  • sichere befestigung
  • textile application
  • snap fastener
  • boat cover
  • tarpaulin
  • canvas
  • fastener
  • smart strap lock
  • guitar strap
  • gitarrengurt
  • music strap
  • fabric-to-fabric solution
  • boat fastener
  • canvas fastener
  • spray hood
  • bimini
  • persenning
  • bootspersenning


Erika Zaun Cross

Pressekontakt Sales / Marketing Manager Nord- und Südeuropa / Afrika / Südamerika / Asien / Australien +49 (0) 2324 - 9049 - 130

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