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Review of our 4th Drug Delivery Conference

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Review of our 4th Drug Delivery Conference

Attendees from over 20 countries joined our virtual Scientific Drug Delivery Conference 2022 on Tuesday 15th February to learn about topics specifically related to drug delivery, about nanotechnology and 3D printing. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to each of the participants who gave their time to attend and to contribute.

We also thank all the speakers who presented in presence or virtually:

  • Dr. François Boutignon, President & CEO APTYS Pharma
  • Prof. Dr. Werner Weitschies, Institute of Pharmacy, University of Greifswald
  • Dr. Ansgar Bögershausen, Losan Pharma GmbH
  • Dr. Matthias Rischer, Losan Pharma GmbH
  • Dr. Karsten Mäder, Institute of Pharmacy, University of Halle
  • Dr. Kerstin Schäfer, Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG
  • Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitkreutz, Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy, University of Düsseldorf
  • Dr. Simon Geissler, Merck Healthcare KGaA
  • Dr. Wolfgang Mohr and Dr. Philipp Schwarzer, Losan Pharma GmbH

Many thanks to François Boutignon for the excellent moderation, his overview and his commitment, which contributed to the fact that sometimes we completely forgot that it was not an event in presence.

A big special thank you goes to Matthias for the numerous hours/days he invested in organizing the event and making it a success once again, as well as for being the co-chair alongside François.

Many thanks also to Tanja Wälder from Losan, who did an excellent job in coordination and organization of all internal and external activities. A very big thank you goes to Fabienne Petry, from the company blaueorange.de, who advised us on the conceptual design, on the implementation and on all of the processes.

Last but not least a big thank you to Annika Mast and Roman Bayer from the company commacross, who hosted us and the event and who professionally accompanied and advised us from the technical prospective.

We believe the mix of university research, large industry and mid-sized companies contributed greatly to an exciting and diverse agenda.

We hope to meet again in 2024 for the 5th Scientific Drug Delivery Conference.




Losan DDC team

Losan DDC team

DDC Organisation team

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